How Mosquitoes Cause Illness 143
How Mosquitoes Cause Illness
Three serious illnesses carried
by mosquitoes are malaria,
dengue fever, and yellow
fever. Each of these illnesses
has different signs and is
carried by a different kind
of mosquito with different
breeding habits. (For malaria
see page 144, for dengue,
see page 147, and for yellow
fever see page 148.) But these
diseases can be prevented
in the same ways because
they are all passed from
mosquitoes to people.
How mosquito-borne diseases spread
Mosquito bites person who
has malaria, dengue, or
yellow fever
Same mosquito
bites healthy person
Mosquito bites
sick person
Prevent mosquito bites
All mosquito-borne illnesses can be
prevented by preventing mosquito
bites. To prevent mosquitoes from
breeding, see page 149. To reduce the
danger of being bitten:
Healthy person
gets sick
Mosquito bites
other people,
spreading disease
• Wear clothes that completely
cover the arms, legs, head, and
neck (long sleeves, pants and
skirts, and a head covering).
• Use mosquito coils and repellents
like citronella, neem oil, or basil leaf.
Repellents are especially important
for children because they can prevent
mosquito bites even when other
preventive steps are not taken.
• Use screens on windows and doors.
• Use mosquito netting and bednets treated with insecticide to prevent
bites while you or your children sleep. Tuck the edges of the nets under
the bed or sleeping mat so there are no openings. In many places,
pregnancy care programs offer bednets at low cost or no cost to women
and young children. To be effective, bednets must be re-treated every
6 to 12 months. Also use a net when sleeping outdoors.
Note: Bednets are most effective for malaria, and less effective for dengue and
yellow fever. See page 146.
A Community Guide to Environmental Health 2012