252 Pesticides are Poison
Pesticides Cause Many Health Problems
A person exposed to pesticides may have more than one sign of illness. Some
signs show up at the time the person is exposed. Other signs do not show
up until hours, days, or even years later. (For more on health effects of toxic
chemicals, see Chapter 16.)
Many people are exposed to pesticides but may not know it. Laundry workers,
garbage and recycling workers, and others who have direct contact with
pesticides may be in just as much danger of poisoning as farm workers. They
should be aware that there are pesticides in their environment, and they should
follow the same precautions as farm workers.
Signs of pesticide poisoning
Pin-point pupils
Nose and mouth:
runny nose, drooling
Chest and lungs:
pain, breathing problems, coughing
pain, diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting
Other general signs of
pesticide poisoning are:
Confusion, weakness, trouble walking,
trouble concentrating, muscle
twitching, restlessness and anxiety, bad
dreams and trouble sleeping
Head and eyes:
headaches, vision problems,
small pupils in the eyes, tears
Legs and arms:
muscle cramps or pains, twitching
damage to fingernails, numbness
and tingling in fingers
itching, rashes, bumps, redness,
blisters, burning, sweating too much
If you have any of these problems while working with pesticides, leave the
worksite immediately. Do not wait until you feel worse. Get away from the
pesticides and go to a hospital or clinic right away!
Signs of severe poisoning:
Unconsciousness, loss of control
over bladder and bowels, blue
lips and fingernails, shaking
Severe pesticide poisoning can kill.
A Community Guide to Environmental Health 2012