478 Mining and Health
Preventing harm from dust
By limiting the amount of dust you breathe in, lung damage can be prevented.
Mine operators should provide equipment to reduce dust in mines
• Pump fresh air into underground mines. Mines should have many openings
to the surface. Air pumps and fans can bring fresh air in and push dust
and dirty air out.
Fans to push dust and
dirty air out of mine
Air pump to blow
fresh air into mine
• Provide water sprinklers to damp down dust. Store water in a tank above,
and pump it or let it run down into shafts and tunnels through pipes with
small holes or shower heads. “Sour water” not fit for drinking works fine.
Howver, miners need plenty of fresh water to drink.
• Provide cutting and grinding equipment that sprays water to trap dust.
Mine operators should provide materials to protect miners from breathing dust
• Provide supplies such as crushed limestone and blankets to cover blasting
• Provide proper masks and make sure they are cleaned and maintained
(see Appendix A).
Workers need a place to change out of dusty clothes and bathe before leaving
the mine site, and a clean area to store clothes. Mine operators also have a
responsibility to find ways to keep dust from mining
operations out of the surrounding communities.
important: Dust kills. Miners have a right to
demand that all possible methods are used to reduce
dust, including protective equipment provided by the
company. Dust masks prevent lung damage only if
they fit tightly and are cleaned often. If you use a
paper mask, change it often. If you use a plastic or
cloth mask, or a bandana, wash it often.
Regular use and cleaning
of dust masks can prevent
lung damage.
A Community Guide to Environmental Health 2012