580 vocabulary
Pseudoephedrine a bronchodilator
medicine used to open the breathing
PVC polyvinyl chloride is a kind of plastic
that contains chlorine. When produced,
and also when burned, PVC releases
very dangerous chemicals called dioxins
and furans.
Quinine a medicine used to treat malaria.
Radiation an invisible form of energy.
Some radiation, such as sunlight, is
natural. Some radiation, such as that
from nuclear explosions and uranium,
causes serious illness.
Radiation poisoning illnesses caused
by exposure to radiation. Radiation
poisoning can cause cancer, skin
diseases, and other serious health
Recycle to make something that is no
longer useful or wanted into another
material that can be used again.
Refinery See oil refinery.
Rehydration drink a drink made of
sugar, salt, and water, or from grain
and water, that helps replace liquid
and restore health when a person is
Renewable resource a resource that can be
used without fear of it being used up,
because it will grow again, like a tree,
or is part of nature, like the wind or
the sun. Compare with nonrenewable
Reproductive health health issues that
affect the parts and processes of men’s
and women’s bodies that allow them to
make a baby.
Resistance the ability of something to
defend itself against something that
would normally harm or kill it. Bacteria
can become resistant to the effects of
certain antibiotics, and mosquitoes can
become resistant to pesticides.
Resource recovery turning unused or
unwanted materials into resources.
Resource recovery includes reusing,
recycling, and composting wastes.
Residue what is left over or left behind.
Pesticide residue is the dry powder
or oily film that stays on crops after
pesticide spray dries. Crop residues
include the leaves, stalks, seed
coverings, and so on that remain after
the crop is harvested or processed.
Respirator a protective mask that covers
the nose and mouth to prevent people
from breathing in poisons.
Respiratory illness an illness that interferes
with breathing. Some respiratory
illnesses are asthma, emphysema, and
Restoration bringing something that has
been damaged back to good condition.
Reservoir a human-made area of water,
usually collected behind a dam.
Routine gas flare when natural gas is
separated from petroleum by burning,
24 hours a day.
Runoff water that moves over the surface
of the land rather than soaking into
the ground.
Safe water water not contaminated with
worms, germs, or toxic chemicals. Safe
water is good for drinking, bathing,
and washing clothes.
Safety gas flare when excess natural gas is
separated from petroleum by burning
to prevent explosions in oil pipelines.
A Community Guide to Environmental Health 2012