5 66 A ppen d ix b: Usi n g L aw s to Fi g h t f o r En v i r o n m en tal R i g h t s
Using the International Legal System
When national laws fail to protect health
and well-being, a community can use the
international processes and agreements
explained in this section to pressure their
government, bring attention to their
struggle, or strengthen a lawsuit.
Many agreements signed by
countries who are members of
the United Nations (nearly
every country in the world)
protect human rights for all
people. Some agreements also
protect the environment. For
example, see page 467 for
a description of some of the
agreements on toxics.
These agreements between different
countries are sometimes called “conventions,” “treaties,” or “covenants,” but
all the words mean the same thing. The agreements can only be enforced
against governments, not multinational corporations.
In many countries, international agreements can be used in the national
courts, although there may be restrictions. International agreements can also
support and inspire our national campaigns to protect human rights and the
A Community Guide to Environmental Health 2012