While some people believe YouTube channels blow up over night, most successful channels have actually grown steadily over a long period of time. When you first start your comedy channel, building an audience can be hard, but there are many steps you can take to grow your views and subscribers. This wikiHow article will teach you how to begin increasing your audience on your comedy YouTube channel.


Choose a format for your videos.


Learn how to edit your videos.

  1. Use editing for comedic effect, maintaining interest, and professionalism. Editing is one of the most powerful tools for comedy videos. Sound effects, scene changes, and more can transform a video, and the ability to reshoot scenes or tweak your video and audio to perfectly match your vision is incredibly helpful.
    • When creating and editing a video, remember to break its visual pattern. One continuous shot of a person looking straight at the camera is much less engaging than many camera angles, costumes, cuts, and so on. These small inclusions can boost the all-important watch time of your videos significantly!
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Create longer videos.

  1. Upload longer videos to increase your watch time. On YouTube, longer videos usually perform better than shorter videos because they have a higher watch time.[5] Watch time is one of the biggest factors the YouTube algorithm uses to decide if it should recommend a video, and due to their length, shorter videos are at a disadvantage.
    • While longer videos are ideal, do not prioritize video length over content. A natural, more engaging, shorter video is strongly preferable to an uninteresting longer video, and will likely have a higher watch time anyway because its content is more entertaining.
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Ask viewers to subscribe.


  1. https://indiemedia.club/how-to/grow-new-youtube-channel/
  2. https://youtu.be/9DEeMG_Gidw?t=67
  3. https://backlinko.com/grow-youtube-channel
  4. Timothy Linetsky. Music Producer & Instructor. Expert Interview. 13 February 2019.
  5. Timothy Linetsky. Music Producer & Instructor. Expert Interview. 13 February 2019.
  6. https://youtu.be/6n26teyJnGs?t=11
  7. Timothy Linetsky. Music Producer & Instructor. Expert Interview. 13 February 2019.
  8. Timothy Linetsky. Music Producer & Instructor. Expert Interview. 13 February 2019.

About This Article

Timothy Linetsky
Co-authored by:
Music Producer & Instructor
This article was co-authored by Timothy Linetsky and by wikiHow staff writer, Sam Browning. Timothy Linetsky is a DJ, producer, and music educator that has been making music for over 15 years. He is a certified Ableton trainer and creates educational YouTube videos focused on producing electronic music. He has over 90,000 YouTube subscribers. This article has been viewed 6,017 times.
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Co-authors: 2
Updated: February 14, 2022
Views: 6,017
Categories: YouTube Channels