
See also: LAG, Lag, lág, làg, låg, -lag, ląg, and lǫg



Origin uncertain, but probably of North Germanic origin, related to Norwegian lagga (to go slowly).


  • (UK, US) IPA(key): /læɡ/
  • Rhymes: -æɡ



  1. late
    • 1592, William Shakespeare, King Richard III
      Some tardy cripple bore the countermand, / That came too lag to see him buried.
  2. (obsolete) Last; long-delayed.
    • (Can we date this quote?) Shakespeare
      the lag end of my life
  3. Last made; hence, made of refuse; inferior.
    • (Can we date this quote?) Dryden
      lag souls


lag (countable and uncountable, plural lags)

  1. (countable) A gap, a delay; an interval created by something not keeping up; a latency.
    • 2004, May 10. The New Yorker Online,
      During the Second World War, for instance, the Washington Senators had a starting rotation that included four knuckleball pitchers. But, still, I think that some of that was just a generational lag.
  2. (uncountable) Delay; latency.
    • 1999, Loyd Case, Building the ultimate game PC
      Whatever the symptom, lag is a drag. But what causes it? One cause is delays in getting the data from your PC to the game server.
    • 2001, Patricia M. Wallace, The psychology of the Internet
      When the lag is low, 2 or 3 seconds perhaps, Internet chatters seem reasonably content.
    • 2002, Marty Cortinas, Clifford Colby, The Macintosh bible
      Latency, or lag, is an unavoidable part of Internet gaming.
  3. (Britain, slang, archaic) One sentenced to transportation for a crime.
  4. (Britain, slang) a prisoner, a criminal.
    • 1934, P. G. Wodehouse, Thank You, Jeeves
      On both these occasions I had ended up behind the bars, and you might suppose that an old lag like myself would have been getting used to it by now.
    • 1986, John le Carré, A Perfect Spy:
      He sat with his great head tipped forward, scowling with a lag's sullenness, and I swear he had closed off his hearing with his thinking and hadn't heard us coming. 'Father,' said Pym.
  5. (snooker) A method of deciding which player shall start. Both players simultaneously strike a cue ball from the baulk line to hit the top cushion and rebound down the table; the player whose ball finishes closest to the baulk cushion wins.
  6. One who lags; that which comes in last.
  7. The fag-end; the rump; hence, the lowest class.
  8. A stave of a cask, drum, etc.; especially (engineering) one of the narrow boards or staves forming the covering of a cylindrical object, such as a boiler, or the cylinder of a carding machine or steam engine.
  9. A bird, the greylag.

Usage notes

In casual use, lag and latency are used synonymously for “time delay between initiating an action and the effect”, with lag more casual. In formal use, latency is the technical term, while lag is used when latency is greater than usual, particularly in internet gaming. When used as a comparative to refer to the distance between moving objects “lag” refers to a moving object that has not yet reached the reference object position, whether linear or rotational. The term “latency” is not used in technical jargon for linear or rotational distance. The neutral term “displacement” can be used ambiguously and may refer to the distance between objects without indicating direction. In this use, “lag” “lags” and “lagging” are the complements of “lead”, “leads”, and “leading”. For example “For any AC power system, at all reactive loads the current waveform has a phase displacement or power factor to the voltage. An inductive load has a lagging power factor, while a capacitive load has a leading PF.”


Derived terms



lag (third-person singular simple present lags, present participle lagging, simple past and past participle lagged)

  1. to fail to keep up (the pace), to fall behind
    • 1596, Edmund Spenser, The Faerie Queene, Canto I
      Behind her farre away a Dwarfe did lag, / That lasie seemd in being ever last, / Or wearied with bearing of her bag / Of needments at his backe.
    • 1616, George Chapman, The Odysseys of Homer
      Lazy beast! / Why last art thou now? Thou hast never used / To lag thus hindmost
    • 1717, The Metamorphoses of Ovid translated into English verse under the direction of Sir Samuel Garth by John Dryden, Alexander Pope, Joseph Addison, William Congreve and other eminent hands
      While he, whose tardy feet had lagg'd behind, / Was doom'd the sad reward of death to find.
    • 1798, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, The Rime of the Ancient Mariner in seven parts
      Brown skeletons of leaves that lag / My forest-brook along
    • 2004, The New Yorker, 5 April 2004
      Over the next fifty years, by most indicators dear to economists, the country remained the richest in the world. But by another set of numbers—longevity and income inequality—it began to lag behind Northern Europe and Japan.
  2. to cover (for example, pipes) with felt strips or similar material
    (referring to a time lag effect in thermal transfer) [1]
    • c. 1974, Philip Larkin, The Building
      Outside seems old enough: / Red brick, lagged pipes, and someone walking by it / Out to the car park, free.
  3. (Britain, slang, archaic) To transport as a punishment for crime.
    • (Can we date this quote?) De Quincey
      She lags us if we poach.
  4. (transitive) To cause to lag; to slacken.
    • (Can we date this quote?) Heywood
      To lag his flight.


Derived terms

See also


Further reading




From Dutch lachen.


  • IPA(key): /ɫɐχ/


lag (present lag, present participle laggende, past participle gelag)

  1. to laugh


Etymology 1

From Proto-Albanian *lauga, from Proto-Indo-European *lowg- (compare Old Norse laug (hot spring, bath), Latvian luga (marshy deposit, silt), Serbo-Croatian lȕža (puddle, pool)).


lag (first-person singular past tense laga, participle lagur)

  1. to wet, moisten
  2. (colloquial) to water
  3. (geography) to wash land (of a body of water)
Derived terms

Etymology 2

From Proto-Albanian *lag-, from Proto-Indo-European *legʰ- (to lay, lie (down)). Cognate with Ancient Greek λόχος (lókhos, ambush, ambuscade, armed band), Gothic 𐌻𐌰𐌲𐌾𐌰𐌽 (lagjan, to lay). Singular form of lagje.


lag m

  1. troop, band, encampment



From Old Norse lag.


  • IPA(key): /laːɡ/, [læːˀj], [læjˀ]
  • Rhymes: -æː


lag n (singular definite laget, plural indefinite lag)

  1. layer
  2. coat, coating
  3. class
  4. stratum




  • (file)
  • Rhymes: -ɑx
  • IPA(key): /lɑx/
  • Homophones: lach



  1. singular past indicative of liggen




  • IPA(key): /lɛaː/
  • Rhymes: -ɛaː
  • Homophones: lað, , læð


lag n (genitive singular lags, plural løg)

  1. layer
  2. (in compounds) what belongs together (company, union)
  3. regularity, order
  4. skill, capability
  5. method, system
  6. importance
  7. mood
  8. design, shape
  9. melody

Usage notes

what belongs together





  • tað er einki lag á honum - he is in a bad mood


Declension of lag
n6 singular plural
indefinite definite indefinite definite
nominative lag lagið løg løgini
accusative lag lagið løg løgini
dative lag, lagi lagnum, laginum løgum løgunum
genitive lags lagsins laga laganna

Derived terms



  • Rhymes: -aːk



  1. First-person singular preterite of liegen.
  2. Third-person singular preterite of liegen.




  1. Romanization of 𐌻𐌰𐌲



From Old Norse lag.


  • IPA(key): /laːɣ/ (
  • Rhymes: -aːɣ


lag n (genitive singular lags, nominative plural lög)

  1. layer
  2. (geology) stratum
  3. tune, song
  4. order
  5. thrust, stab
  6. good method, knack




From Old Irish lac, from Proto-Celtic *laggos, from Proto-Indo-European *(s)leh₁g-, compare English slack and Latin laxus (slack).



lag (genitive singular masculine laig, genitive singular feminine laige, plural laga, comparative laige)

  1. weak




lag m

  1. lake


Norwegian Bokmål

Etymology 1

From Old Norse lag


lag n (definite singular laget, indefinite plural lag, definite plural laga or lagene)

  1. layer
    "Denne sjokoladen har et lag med hvitt lag utenpå." (This chocolate has a white outer layer.)
  2. team (group of people)
    Jeg skal spille for et nytt lag i morgen siden jeg måtte bytte da jeg har flytta.
    I'll be playing for a different team tomorrow as I've had to change because I moved.
  3. (rare, especially outside stock phrases) mood; very frequently found in the definite ("laget"), often preceded by "godt" (see below)
    "Han er i godt lag i dag." (He's having a good day. / He's happy. / He's happy today.)
  4. (quite rare) party; found mainly in the phrase "godt lag" meaning "good people", "good company" or "good party"
    "I godt lag spiller det ingen rolle hva man feirer, hvor eller hvordan." (Surrounded by friendly/good/nice people, it doesn't matter why you are celebrating, or where or how.)
  5. (military) a squad
Derived terms



  1. imperative of lage


Norwegian Nynorsk


From Old Norse lag


lag n (definite singular laget, indefinite plural lag, definite plural laga)

  1. layer
  2. team (group of people)
  3. mood
  4. (military) a squad


Derived terms



  1. imperative of laga


Old Norse


From Proto-Germanic *lagą, from Proto-Indo-European *legʰ-.


lag n (genitive lags, plural lǫg)

  1. stratum, layer
  2. due place, right position
  3. companionship, fellowship
  4. living together
  5. cohabitation
  6. market price, tax
  7. thrust, stab (with a knife, sword or spear)
  8. air, tune


Derived terms

  • félag n (companionship)
  • lagliga (meetly, handsomely)
  • lagligr (meet, handsome)
  • lagskona m (concubine)
  • lagsmaðr m (companion, comrade)
  • lagvápn n (weapon for thrusting)
  • lǫg n pl or f (law, laws)



  • lag in A Concise Dictionary of Old Icelandic, G. T. Zoëga, Clarendon Press, 1910, at Internet Archive.

Old Saxon


From Proto-Germanic *lēgaz (low).


lāg (comparative lāgiro, superlative lāgist)

  1. low



Alternative forms

  • (Sutsilvan) laitg
  • (Rumantsch Grischun, Sutsilvan, Surmiran, Vallader) lai
  • (Puter) lej


From Latin lacus, from Proto-Italic *lakus, from Proto-Indo-European *lókus (lake, pool).


lag m (plural lags)

  1. (Sursilvan, Sutsilvan) lake

Scottish Gaelic



  1. weak, feeble

Derived terms


Etymology 1

From Old Swedish lagh, from Old Norse lǫg. Cognate with Danish lov, Norwegian lov, English law. Related to Old Norse leggja “to define”.


  • (file)


lag c

  1. a law; a written or understood rule that concerns behaviours and the appropriate consequences thereof. Laws are usually associated with mores.
  2. law; the body of written rules governing a society.
  3. a law; a one-sided contract.
  4. a law; an observed physical law.
  5. (mathematics) a law; a statement that is true under specified conditions.
Usage notes
  • In the expression vara någon till lags (to be of service to someone), this is an ancient genitive controlled by the preposition till (to)
Declension of lag 
Singular Plural
Indefinite Definite Indefinite Definite
Nominative lag lagen lagar lagarna
Genitive lags lagens lagars lagarnas
Derived terms
Terms derived from lag (law)
  • grundlag
  • lagakraftvunnen
  • lagberedning
  • lagbestämmelse
  • lagbok
  • lagbrott
  • lagbrytare
  • lagbud
  • lagbunden
  • lagbundenhet
  • lagenlig
  • lagenlighet
  • lagens långa arm
  • lagfara
  • lagfaren
  • lagfart
  • lagfästa
  • lagfästning
  • lagföra
  • lagföring
  • lagförslag
  • lagisk
  • lagiskhet
  • lagklok
  • lagkränkning
  • lagkunnig
  • lagkänsla
  • laglig
  • lagligen
  • laglighet
  • laglott
  • laglydig
  • laglydighet
  • laglydnad
  • laglös
  • laglöshet
  • lagman
  • lagparagraf
  • lagprövning
  • lagreform
  • lagregel
  • lagreglerad
  • lagrum
  • lagråd
  • lagsamling
  • lagskydd
  • lagskärpning
  • lagspråk
  • lagstadgad
  • lagstadgande
  • lagstifta
  • lagstiftande
  • lagstiftare
  • lagstiftning
  • lagstridig
  • lagstridighet
  • lagstudium
  • lagsöka
  • lagsökning
  • lagteknisk
  • lagtext
  • lagtillämpning
  • lagtima
  • lagting
  • lagtolkare
  • lagtolkning
  • lagtrots
  • lagutskott
  • lagvidrig
  • lagvigd
  • lagvrängare
  • lagändring
  • lagöverträdare
  • lagöverträdelse
  • landskapslag
  • landslag
  • naturlag
  • stadslag
  • övergångslag
See also

Etymology 2

From Old Swedish lagher, from Old Norse lǫgr, from Proto-Germanic *laguz, from Proto-Indo-European *lakw-. Cognate with Latin lacus.


  • (file)


lag c

  1. (cooking) a water-based solution of sugar, salt and/or other spices; e.g. brine
Declension of lag 
Singular Plural
Indefinite Definite Indefinite Definite
Nominative lag lagen lagar lagarna
Genitive lags lagens lagars lagarnas
  • saltlag
  • sockerlag
  • ättikslag

Etymology 3

From Old Swedish lagh, from Old Norse lag. Derived from Old Norse leggja (to lay) or liggja (to lie).


  • (file)


lag n

  1. a workgroup, a team; group of people which in sports compete together versus another team; or in general, work closely together
Declension of lag 
Singular Plural
Indefinite Definite Indefinite Definite
Nominative lag laget lag lagen
Genitive lags lagets lags lagens
Derived terms
Terms derived from lag (n)
  • arbetslag
  • bandylag
  • fotbollslag
  • handbollslag
  • hockeylag
  • lagackord
  • laganda
  • lagarbete
  • lagbas
  • lagdel
  • lagidrott
  • lagkamrat
  • lagkapp
  • lagkappsimning
  • lagkapten
  • lagledare
  • lagmedlem
  • lagmoral
  • lagschack
  • lagseger
  • lagspel
  • lagspelare
  • lagsport
  • lagtempo
  • lagtävling
  • laguppställning
  • laguttagning
  • landslag


Tagakaulu Kalagan



  1. wild cat


Etymology 1

From Old Norse lǫgr, from Proto-Germanic *laguz, from Proto-Indo-European *lókus (lake, pond.)


lag m (definite lagjän)

  1. liquid, decoction of something
Derived terms
  • genlag

Etymology 2

From Old Norse lag n (stratum, layer; due place; fellowship; cohabitation; etc.,) pl lǫg (law, laws; participation or fellowship in law,) from Proto-Germanic *lagą, from Proto-Indo-European *legʰ- (to lie down.)


lag n (definite lagjä)

  1. layer
  2. the hay in the barn or the unthreshed grain, or the straw thereof
    Bär mäg hit’n knipp bothti halm-lage
    Carry to me a bundle of the straw lying in the barn!
  3. gathering, company


lag f (definite laga)

  1. law
Usage notes

Neuter definite plural laga and feminine definite singular laga are not distinguishable in form, but only through surrounding grammar.

Derived terms
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