From Old Portuguese bater, from Late Latin battere, variant of Latin battuere, present active infinitive of battuō, from Gaulish.
- IPA(key): /baˈteɾ/
bater (first-person singular present bato, first-person singular preterite batín, past participle batido)
- (intransitive or transitive with en or contra or a reciprocal pronoun) to hit; to strike (to collide with violently)
- O paxaro bateu no vidro e morreu.
- The bird hit the glass and died.
- (intransitive) to hit, to strike, to blow (usually, repeatedly)
- (transitive) to clap (to repeatedly strike two objects, especially the hands)
- Synonym: aplaudir
- (transitive) to churn (to agitate rapidly and repetitively, or to stir with a rowing or rocking motion; generally applies to liquids, notably cream)
- Synonym: mazar
- (transitive) to take down; to knock down
Conjugation of bater
infinitive | bater | ||||||
gerund | batendo | ||||||
past participle | singular | plural | |||||
masculine | batido | batidos | |||||
feminine | batida | batidas | |||||
person | singular | plural | |||||
first | second | third | first | second | third | ||
indicative | eu | ti | el / ela / Vde. | nós | vós | eles / elas / Vdes. | |
present | bato | bates | bate | batemos | batedes | baten | |
imperfect | batía | batías | batía | batiamos | batiades | batían | |
preterite | batín | batiches | bateu | batemos | batestes | bateron | |
pluperfect | batera | bateras | batera | bateramos | baterades | bateran | |
future | baterei | baterás | baterá | bateremos | bateredes | baterán | |
conditional | batería | baterías | batería | bateriamos | bateriades | baterían | |
subjunctive | eu | ti | el / ela / Vde. | nós | vós | eles / elas / Vdes. | |
present | bata | batas | bata | batamos | batades | batan | |
preterite | batese | bateses | batese | batésemos | batésedes | batesen | |
future | bater | bateres | bater | batermos | baterdes | bateren | |
imperative | — | ti | Vde. | nós | vós | Vdes. | |
affirmative | — | bate | bata | batamos | batede | batan | |
negative | — | batas | bata | batamos | batades | batan | |
personal infinitive | eu | ti | el / ela / Vde. | nós | vós | eles / elas / Vdes. | |
bater | bateres | bater | batermos | baterdes | bateren |
- “bater” in Dicionario de Dicionarios do galego medieval, SLI - ILGA 2006-2012.
- “bat” in Xavier Varela Barreiro & Xavier Gómez Guinovart: Corpus Xelmírez - Corpus lingüístico da Galicia medieval. SLI / Grupo TALG / ILG, 2006-2016.
- “bater” in Dicionario de Dicionarios da lingua galega, SLI - ILGA 2006-2013.
- “bater” in Tesouro informatizado da lingua galega. Santiago: ILG.
- “bater” in Álvarez, Rosario (coord.): Tesouro do léxico patrimonial galego e portugués, Santiago de Compostela: Instituto da Lingua Galega.
From Old Portuguese bater, from Late Latin battere, variant of Latin battuere, present active infinitive of battuō, from Gaulish.
bater (first-person singular present indicative bato, past participle batido)
- (transitive with em) to beat; to beat up (to attack someone violently)
- O valentão gosta de bater nos colegas mais fracos. ― The bully likes to beat his weaker classmates up.
- Synonym: arrebentar
- (intransitive or transitive with em or contra or a reciprocal pronoun) to hit; to strike (to collide with violently)
- O pássaro bateu no vidro e morreu. ― The bird hit the glass and died.
- As pedras de gelo batiam contra o telhado. ― The hailstones were striking the roof.
- Os aviões se bateram no ar. ― The aeroplanes collided in mid-air.
- Synonym: colidir
- (transitive) to crash (to cause something to collide)
- Liguei para a emergência porque bati o carro. ― I called emergency because I crashed the car.
- (transitive) to clap (to repeatedly strike two objects, especially the hands)
- Não creio que a audiência baterá as palmas. ― I don’t think the audience will clap their hands.
- (transitive with em or a) to knock on (to hit an object rhythmically in order to get someone’s attention)
- Bati na janela do meu amigo para ele acordar. ― I knocked on my friend’s window so he would wake up.
- (music, transitive with em or with no preposition) to beat (to play a percussion instrument)
- (transitive) to close something (such as a door or drawer) violently
- Ela ficou brava, correu para o seu quarto e bateu a porta. ― She got angry, ran to her room and smashed the door.
- (Brazil, transitive) to snap (to create a photograph)
- (chiefly military, transitive) to scout (to explore a wide terrain)
- O general mandou os cavaleiros baterem o terreno à frente para evitar uma emboscada. ― The general ordered the horsemen to scout the region ahead in order to prevent an ambush.
- Synonym: explorar
- (cooking, transitive) to whisk; to whip; to beat (to mix in a rapid aerating fashion)
- Bata uns ovos para fazer omelete. ― Whisk some eggs to make omelette.
- (transitive) to flail an object, such as a rug or piece of clothing, in order to remove dust or water from it
- O tapete estava tão empoeirado que quando o batemos levantou uma nuvem de poeira. ― The rug was so dusty that when we flailed it a cloud of dust appeared.
- (Brazil, informal, impersonal, transitive) to get a feeling, especially one that is not very strong
- Corri uns dez quilómetros antes de bater um cansaço. ― I ran for ten kilometres before I got a little tired.
- (transitive with para) to rush to (to go somewhere very fast)
- (transitive with em) to shine on (of a light); to be cast over (of a shadow)
- (intransitive) of the heart: to beat; to pulsate
- Meu coração batia a mil. ― My heart was beating really fast.
- Synonym: pulsar
- (transitive) to beat; to flutter; to flap (to move one’s wings)
- Beija-flores batem suas asas muito rápido. ― Hummingbirds beat their wings very fast.
- (transitive) to beat; to defeat
- (transitive) to beat (to achieve a better value than)
- Ninguém conseguiu bater o record. ― No one was able to beat the record.
- Synonym: superar
- (transitive with em) to reach a value
- O preço da maçã está batendo nos cinquenta centavos. ― The price of the apple is reaching fifty cents.
- Durante a enchente, a água bateu na nossa cintura. ― During the flood, the water reached our waists.
- Synonym: alcançar
- (takes a reflexive pronoun, intransitive, or transitive with em) to struggle (with) (to have difficulty in doing something)
- (intransitive, or transitive with com) to match (to be equal or corresponding)
- (soccer, transitive) to perform a game-restarting kick (such as a penalty kick or free kick)
- Nenhum dos jogadores quis se arriscar a bater o pênalti. ― None of our players wanted to perform the penalty kick.
- (Brazil, slang, transitive) to pick; to pickpocket (to steal something by sleight of hand)
- Uns pivetes batiam carteiras na praia. ― Some urchins were picking wallets at the beach.
- (transitive with em) of a special occasion: to occur in a given date
- (combat sports, intransitive) to tap out (to punch or tap the floor, indicating submission)
- O boxeador bateu no segundo round. ― The boxes tapped out on the second round.
- (transitive) to lock a padlock
- Bata o cadeado do portão antes de sair. ― Padlock the gate before you leave.
- first-person singular (eu) personal infinitive of bater
- third-person singular (ele and ela, also used with você and others) personal infinitive of bater
- first-person singular (eu) future subjunctive of bater
- third-person singular (ele and ela, also used with você and others) future subjunctive of bater
Conjugation of the Portuguese -er verb bater
Notes:[edit] | ||||||
Singular | Plural | |||||
First-person (eu) |
Second-person (tu) |
Third-person (ele / ela / você) |
First-person (nós) |
Second-person (vós) |
Third-person (eles / elas / vocês) | |
Infinitive | ||||||
Impersonal | bater | |||||
Personal | bater | bateres | bater | batermos | baterdes | baterem |
Gerund | ||||||
batendo | ||||||
Past participle | ||||||
Masculine | batido | batidos | ||||
Feminine | batida | batidas | ||||
Indicative | ||||||
Present | bato | bates | bate | batemos | bateis | batem |
Imperfect | batia | batias | batia | batíamos | batíeis | batiam |
Preterite | bati | bateste | bateu | batemos | batestes | bateram |
Pluperfect | batera | bateras | batera | batêramos | batêreis | bateram |
Future | baterei | baterás | baterá | bateremos | batereis | baterão |
Conditional | ||||||
bateria | baterias | bateria | bateríamos | bateríeis | bateriam | |
Subjunctive | ||||||
Present | bata | batas | bata | batamos | batais | batam |
Imperfect | batesse | batesses | batesse | batêssemos | batêsseis | batessem |
Future | bater | bateres | bater | batermos | baterdes | baterem |
Imperative | ||||||
Affirmative | - | bate | bata | batamos | batei | batam |
Negative (não) | - | batas | bata | batamos | batais | batam |
For quotations of use of this term, see Citations:bater.
Derived terms
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