
The 1520s decade ran from January 1, 1520, to December 31, 1529.

Millennium: 2nd millennium
  • Births
  • Deaths
  • By country
  • By topic
  • Establishments
  • Disestablishments





  • August Martin Luther writes To the Christian Nobility of the German Nation.
  • September 7 Christian II makes his triumphant entry into Stockholm, which had surrendered to him a few days earlier. Sten Sture's widow Christina Gyllenstierna, who has led the fight after Sten's death, and all other persons in the resistance against the Danes, are granted amnesty and are pardoned for their involvement in the resistance.
  • September 22 Suleiman I succeeds his father Selim I as Sultan of the Ottoman Empire.
  • October Cuitláhuac, Aztec ruler of Tenochtitlan, dies from smallpox. He is succeeded by his nephew Cuauhtémoc.
  • October 21 (Feast of St. Ursula) The islands of Saint Pierre and Miquelon are discovered by Portuguese explorer João Álvares Fagundes, off Newfoundland. He names them Islands of the 11,000 Virgins, in honour of Saint Ursula.
  • October 26 Charles V is crowned King of Germany.
  • November 14 Christian II is crowned king of Sweden. The coronation is followed by a three-day feast in Stockholm.
  • November 7 At the end of the third day of Christian's coronation feast, several leading figures of the Swedish resistance against the Danish invasion are imprisoned, and tried for high treason.
  • November 810 Stockholm Bloodbath: 82 noblemen and clergymen, having been sentenced to death for their involvement in the Swedish resistance against the Danish invasion, are executed by beheading.
  • November 28 After navigating through the South American strait, three ships under the command of Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan reach the Pacific Ocean, becoming the first Europeans to sail from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific (the strait is later named the Strait of Magellan).
  • December 10 Martin Luther burns a copy of The Book of Canon Law (see Canon Law), and his copy of the Papal bull Exsurge Domine.

Date unknown

  • The Franciscan friar Matteo Bassi is inspired to return to the primitive life of solitude and penance, as practiced by St. Francis, giving rise to the Order of Friars Minor Capuchin.
  • Duarte Barbosa returns to Cananor.
  • Aleksandra Lisowska (Roxelana) is given as a gift to Suleiman I on the occasion of his accession to the throne.
  • King Manuel I creates the public mail service of Portugal, the Correio Público.


Neacșu's letter, the oldest surviving document written in Romanian has the oldest appearance of the word "Rumanian"



Date unknown




  • July The English army attacks Brittany and Picardy from Calais, burning and looting the countryside.[14]
  • July 28 Ottoman Sultan Suleiman I begins his siege to expel the Knights of St. John in Rhodes.
  • August The Knights' Revolt erupts in Germany.
  • September 6 The Victoria (nao Vittoria), one of the surviving ships of the Magellan expedition, returns to Sanlúcar de Barrameda in Spain, under the command of Juan Sebastián Elcano, becoming the first ship to circumnavigate the world.
  • September 21 Luther Bible: Martin Luther's translation of the Bible's New Testament into Early New High German from Greek, Das newe Testament Deutzsch, is published in Germany, selling thousands in the first few weeks.
  • September 22 1522 Almería earthquake: A major 6.8 to 7.0 Mw earthquake occurs in the capital of Almeria and the Andarax Valley, near Alhama de Almería. It has a maximum felt intensity of X–XI (extreme), and kills about 2,500 people, making it the most destructive earthquake in Spanish history. The city of Almería is totally destroyed, and there is serious destruction in 80 other towns; in Granada, large cracks are observed in various walls and towers.[15]
  • October 2122 The 1522 Vila Franca earthquake takes place in the municipality of Vila Franca do Campo, at this time the provincial capital, located on São Miguel Island, in the Portuguese archipelago of the Azores.
  • November The Diet of Nuremberg opens.
  • December 18 The Ottomans finally break into Rhodes, but the Knights continue fierce resistance in the streets.
  • December 20 Suleiman the Magnificent accepts the surrender of the surviving Knights in Rhodes, who are allowed to evacuate. They eventually re-settle on Malta, and become known as the Knights of Malta.

Date unknown

  • The third edition of Erasmus's Greek Textus Receptus of the New Testament, Novum Testamentum (with parallel Latin text), is published in Basel.
  • Chinese Ming dynasty War Ministry official He Ru is the first to acquire the Portuguese breech-loading culverin, while copies of them are made by two Westernized Chinese at Beijing, Yang San (Pedro Yang) and Dai Ming.
  • Australia is sighted by a Portuguese expedition led by Cristóvão de Mendonça, who maps the continent and names it Jave la Grande ("The Greater Java"), according to the theory of the Portuguese discovery of Australia.
  • The Portuguese ally with the Sultanate of Ternate and begin the construction of Fort Kastela.
  • The Portuguese, allied with King Ilato of the Goratalo kingdom, construct the Otanaha Fortress.



  • January 20 Christian II is forced to abdicate as King of Denmark and Norway.
  • May The Ningbo Incident: Two rival trade delegations from Japan feud in the Chinese city of Ningbo, resulting in the pillage and plunder of the city.
  • June 3 Santhome Church was established by Portuguese explorers over the tomb of Saint Thomas the Apostle in Chennai, India.
  • June 6 Gustav Vasa is elected king of Sweden, finally establishing the full independence of Sweden from Denmark, which marks the end of the Kalmar Union. This event is also traditionally considered to be the establishment of the modern Swedish nation.[16]


Date unknown

  • The Ming dynasty Chinese navy captures two Western ships with Portuguese breech–loading culverins aboard, which the Chinese call a fo–lang–ji (Frankish culverin). According to the Ming Shi, these cannons are soon presented to the Jiajing Emperor by Wang Hong, and their design is copied in 1529.[18]
  • Franconian War: The Swabian League destroys 23 robber baron castles.



  • January 17 Florentine explorer Giovanni da Verrazzano, on board La Dauphine in the service of Francis I of France, sets out from Madeira for the New World, to seek out a western sea route to the Pacific Ocean.
  • March Spanish conquistador Pedro de Alvarado destroys the Kʼicheʼ kingdom of Qʼumarkaj, taking the capital, Quiché.
  • March 1 (approximate date) da Verrazzano's expedition makes landfall at Cape Fear.
  • April 17 Verrazzano's expedition makes the first European entry into New York Bay, and sights the island of Manhattan.[19][20]
  • April 30 Battle of the Sesia: Spanish forces under Charles de Lannoy defeat the French army in Italy, under William de Bonnivet. The French, now commanded by François de St. Pol, withdraw from the Italian Peninsula.
  • May 26 Atiquipaque, the most important city of the Xinca people is conquered by the Spanish resulting in a significant reduction in the Xinca population.
  • June 8 Battle of Acajutla: Spanish conquistador Pedro de Alvarado defeats a battalion of Pipiles, in the neighborhoods of present day Acajutla, El Salvador.[21]


  • Summer Paracelsus visits Salzburg; he also visits Villach during the year.
  • July 8 Verrazzano's expedition returns to Dieppe.
  • AugustSeptember Marseille is besieged by Imperial forces, under the Duke of Bourbon.
  • August Protestant theologians Martin Luther and Andreas Karlstadt dispute at Jena.
  • October 28 A French army invading Italy, under King Francis, besieges Pavia.
  • December 8 Francisco Hernandez de Cordoba founds the city of Granada, Nicaragua, the oldest Hispanic city in the mainland of the Western Hemisphere.



  • January 21 The Swiss Anabaptist Movement is born when Conrad Grebel, Felix Manz, George Blaurock, and about a dozen others baptize each other in the home of Manz's mother on Neustadt-Gasse, Zürich, breaking a thousand-year tradition of church-state union.
  • February 24 Battle of Pavia: German and Spanish forces under Charles de Lannoy and the Marquis of Pescara defeat the French army, and capture Francis I of France, after his horse is wounded by Cesare Hercolani. While Francis is imprisoned in Lombardy and then transferred to Madrid, the first attempts to form a Franco-Ottoman alliance with Suleiman the Magnificent against the Habsburg Empire are made.[22]
  • February 28 The last Aztec Emperor, Cuauhtémoc, is killed by Hernán Cortés.
  • March 20 In the German town of Memmingen, the pamphlet The Twelve Articles: The Just and Fundamental Articles of All the Peasantry and Tenants of Spiritual and Temporal Powers by Whom They Think Themselves Oppressed is published, the first human rights related document written in Europe.
  • April 4 German Peasants' War in the Holy Roman Empire: Battle of Leipheim Peasants retreat.
  • April 10 Albert, Duke of Prussia commits Prussian Homage.
  • May 1415 German Peasants' War: Battle of Frankenhausen Insurgent peasants led by radical pastor Thomas Müntzer are defeated.
  • June 13 Martin Luther marries ex-nun Katharina von Bora.[23] The painter Lucas Cranach the Elder is one of the witnesses.
  • June 16 Henry VIII of England appoints his six-year old illegitimate son Henry FitzRoy Duke of Richmond and Somerset.
  • June 2324 German Peasants' War: Battle of Pfeddersheim Peasants are defeated in the last significant action of the war, in which over 75,000 peasants have been killed.


Date unknown

  • Mixco Viejo, capital of the Pocomans Maya State, falls to the Spanish conquistadores of Pedro de Alvarado (in modern-day Guatemala) after a three-month siege.
  • European-brought diseases sweep through the Andes, killing thousands, including the Inca.
  • The Bubonic plague spreads in southern France.
  • Printing of the first edition of William Tyndale's New Testament Bible translation into English in Cologne is interrupted by anti-Lutheran forces (finished copies reach England in 1526).
  • Printing of Huldrych Zwingli's New Testament 'Zürich Bible' translation into German by Christoph Froschauer begins.
  • The Navarre witch trials (1525-26) begin.
  • The Chinese Ministry of War under the Ming dynasty orders ships having more than one mast sailing along the southeast coast to be seized, investigated, and destroyed; this in an effort to curb piracy and limit private commercial trade abroad.
  • Kasur established as a city by the Kheshgi tribe of Pashtuns from Kabul who migrate to the region in 1525 from Afghanistan.
  • The Age of Samael ends, and the Age of Gabriel begins, according to Johannes Trithemius.




Date unknown

  • Spring The first complete printed translation of the New Testament of the Bible into the English language by William Tyndale arrives in England from Germany, printing having been completed in Worms by Peter Schöffer the younger (with other copies being printed in Amsterdam). In October, Cuthbert Tunstall, Bishop of London, attempts to collect all the copies in his diocese and burn them.
  • The first official translation is made of the New Testament into Swedish; the entire Bible is completed in 1541.
  • Gunsmith Bartolomeo Beretta (in Italian) establishes the Beretta Gun Company, which will still be in business in the 21st century, making it one of the world's oldest corporations.




Date unknown

  • The Spanish conquest of Guatemala's highlands is completed; the first city in Guatemala, Ciudad Vieja is founded.
  • Members of the University of Wittenberg flee to Jena, in fear of the bubonic plague.
  • Bishop Vesey's Grammar School (at Sutton Coldfield, in the West Midlands of England) is founded by Bishop John Vesey.
  • Sir George Monoux College is founded as a grammar school at Walthamstow, England, by Sir George Monoux, draper and Lord Mayor of London.
  • The Ming dynasty government of China greatly reduces the quotas for taking grain, severely diminishing the state's capacity to relieve famines through a previously successful granary system.
  • The second of the Dalecarlian rebellions breaks out in Sweden.



  • January 12 Gustav I of Sweden is crowned king of Sweden, having already reigned since his election in June 1523.[30]
  • February
  • April 28 Battle of Capo d'Orso: The French fleet, under mercenary captain Filippino Doria, crushes the Spanish squadron trying to run the blockade of Naples.[32]
  • May (end) The fourth major outbreak of the sweating sickness appears in London, rapidly spreading to the rest of England and, on this occasion, to northern Europe.


  • September 12 Andrea Doria defeats his former allies, the French, and establishes the independence of Genoa.
  • October 3 Álvaro de Saavedra Cerón arrives in the Maluku Islands.
  • October 13 Cardinal Thomas Wolsey founds a college in his birthplace of Ipswich, England, which becomes the modern-day Ipswich School (incorporating institutions in the town dating back to 1299).
  • October 20 The Treaty of Gorinchem is signed between Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor, and Charles, Duke of Guelders.
  • November 6 Spanish conquistador Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca and his companions become the first known Europeans to set foot on the shores of what is present-day Texas.

Date unknown



  • February 2 The Örebro Synod provides the theological foundation of the Swedish Reformation, following the economic foundation of it, after the Reduction of Gustav I of Sweden.
  • March Battle of Shimbra Kure: Imam Ahmad ibn Ibrahim al-Ghazi, with 200 men armed with matchlocks, defeats the army of Dawit II, Emperor of Ethiopia.[35]
  • March 25 Blood libel against the Jewish community of Bosen (formerly in Hungary, today in Slovakia), on the first day of Passover. Three Jews are accused and killed, while the boy is discovered alive, kidnapped for the benefit of the scheme.
  • April 8 The Flensburg Disputation is held, a debate attended by Stadtholder Christian of Schleswig-Holstein (later King Christian III of Denmark), between Lutherans (led by Hermann Fast) and the more radical Anabaptists (led by Melchior Hoffman). Johannes Bugenhagen, a close associate of Martin Luther, presides. The Disputation marks the rejection of radical ideas by the Danish Reformation.[36]
  • April 9 The Westrogothian rebellion breaks out in Sweden.
  • April 19 Diet of Speyer: A group of rulers (German: Fürst) and independent cities (German: Reichsstadt) protest the reinstatement of the Edict of Worms, beginning the Protestant movement.
  • April 22 The Treaty of Zaragoza divides the eastern hemisphere between the Spanish and Portuguese empires, stipulating that the dividing line should lie 297.5 leagues or 17° east of the Moluccas.[37]
  • MayJuly Cardinal Thomas Wolsey, Archbishop of York, presides over a legatine court at Blackfriars, London, to rule on the legality of King Henry VIII of England's marriage to Catherine of Aragon.[12]
  • May 10 The Ottoman army under Suleiman I leaves Constantinople, to invade Hungary once again.
  • June 21 War of the League of Cognac Battle of Landriano: French forces in northern Italy are decisively defeated by Spain.


Date unknown



Barbara Radziwiłł
  • January 7 Peder Oxe, Danish finance minister (d. 1575)
  • January 30 William More, English courtier (d. 1600)
  • February 22 Frederick III of Legnica, Duke of Legnica (d. 1570)
  • March 3 Matthias Flacius, Croatian Protestant reformer (d. 1575)
  • June 29 Nicolás Factor, Spanish artist (d. 1583)
  • July 27 Gonzalo II Fernández de Córdoba, Governor of the Duchy of Milan (d. 1578)
  • August 1 King Sigismund II Augustus of Poland (d. 1572)
  • August 10 Madeleine of Valois, queen of James V of Scotland (d. 1537)
  • August 21 Bartholomäus Sastrow, German official (d. 1603)
  • August 31 Heinrich Sudermann, German politician (d. 1591)
  • September 13 William Cecil, 1st Baron Burghley, English statesman, chief advisor to Queen Elizabeth I (d. 1598)[41]
  • October 5 Alessandro Farnese, Italian cardinal (d. 1589)
  • November 10 Dorothea of Denmark, Electress Palatine, Princess of Denmark, Sweden and Norway (d. 1580)
  • December 6 Barbara Radziwiłł, queen of Poland (d. 1551)
  • December 24 Martha Leijonhufvud, politically active Swedish noble (d. 1584)
  • date unknown
    • Patriarch Metrophanes III of Constantinople (d. 1580)
    • Seosan, Korean monk
    • Jean Ribault, French navigator (d. 1565)
    • Vincenzo Galilei, Italian music theorist, lutenist, and composer (d. 1591)
    • Aben Humeya, last independent king of Granada (d. 1568)
    • Ijuin Tadaaki, Japanese nobleman (d. 1561)
    • Agatha Streicher, German physician (d. 1581)
    • Katarina Bengtsdotter Gylta, Swedish abbess (d. 1593)
    • Johannes Acronius Frisius, German doctor and mathematician (d. 1564)
  • probable
    • Hans Eworth, Flemish portrait painter (d. 1574)
    • Katharina Gerlachin, German printer (d. 1592)
    • Jorge de Montemor, Spanish novelist and poet (d. 1561)
    • Giovanni Battista Moroni, Italian mannerist painter (d. 1578)
  • possible


Maria of Portugal, Duchess of Viseu


Dirck Coornhert
Mihrimah Sultan
  • January 22 Charles II de Valois, Duke of Orléans, (d. 1545)
  • February 2
    • Lodovico Ferrari, Italian mathematician (d. 1565)
    • Francesco Alciati, Italian Catholic cardinal (d. 1580)
  • March 10 Miyoshi Nagayoshi, Japanese samurai and daimyō (d. 1564)
  • March 22 Daniel Brendel von Homburg, Roman Catholic archbishop (d. 1582)
  • March 28 Albert Alcibiades, German prince (d. 1557)[44]
  • April 23 Catherine of Ricci, Italian prioress (d. 1590)
  • May 24 John Jewel, English bishop (d. 1571)
  • June 1 Dirck Volckertszoon Coornhert, Dutch writer and scholar (d. 1590)
  • July 5 Margaret of Austria, regent of the Netherlands (d. 1586)
  • July 13 Sophia Jagiellon, Duchess of Brunswick-Lüneburg (d. 1575)
  • July 25 Anna of Lorraine (d. 1568)
  • July 31 Charles II de Croÿ, Belgian duke (d. 1551)
  • August 4 Udai Singh II, King of Mewar (d. 1572)
  • August 28 Severinus of Saxony, Prince of Saxony; died young (d. 1533)
  • September 11 Ulisse Aldrovandi, Italian naturalist (d. 1605)
  • October 4 Gabriele Paleotti, Italian Catholic cardinal (d. 1597)
  • October 14 Lucas Maius, Lutheran Reformation pastor, theologian and playwright (d. 1598)
  • November 1 Andrew Corbet, English landowner and politician (d. 1578)
  • November 4 Albert de Gondi, Marshal of France (d. 1602)
  • November 9 Martin Chemnitz, Lutheran reformer (d. 1586)
  • November 18 Lamoral, Count of Egmont, Flemish general and statesman (d. 1568)
  • December 16 Honoré I, Lord of Monaco (d. 1581)
  • date unknown
    • Mihrimah Sultan, Ottoman princess (d. 1578)
    • Moses ben Jacob Cordovero, Spanish Jewish rabbi and kabbalist (d. 1570)
    • Philothei, Greek saint (d. 1589)
    • Jacques Cujas, French legal expert (d. 1590)[45]
  • probable
    • Emperor Gelawdewos of Ethiopia (d. 1559)
  • possible


Margaret of France, Duchess of Berry
  • January 29 Enea Vico, Italian engraver (d. 1567)
  • February 1 Francesco Abbondio Castiglioni, Italian Catholic cardinal (d. 1568)
  • February 13 Valentin Naboth, German astronomer and mathematician (d. 1593)
  • February 20 Jan Blahoslav, Czech writer (d. 1571)
  • March 14 Helena Magenbuch, German pharmacist (d. 1597)
  • March 17 Giovanni Francesco Commendone, Italian Catholic cardinal (d. 1584)
  • March 21 Kaspar Eberhard, German theologian (d. 1575)
  • April 5 Blaise de Vigenère, French diplomat and cryptographer (d. 1596)
  • April 21 Marco Antonio Bragadin, Venetian lawyer and military officer (d. 1571)
  • June 5 Margaret of France, Duchess of Berry (d. 1574)
  • July 4 Pier Francesco Orsini, Italian condottiero and art patron (d. 1583)
  • July 18 Duke George II of Brieg (1547–1586) (d. 1586)
  • September 21 Sancho d'Avila, Spanish general (d. 1583)
  • September 22 Charles, Cardinal de Bourbon, French church leader and pretender to the throne (d. 1590)
  • October 10 Ludwig Rabus, German martyrologist (d. 1592)
  • October 11 Eleonore of Fürstenberg, wife of Philip IV, Count of Hanau-Lichtenberg (d. 1544)
  • October 18 Anna Jagiellon, daughter of Sigismund I of Poland (d. 1596)
  • date unknown
    • Gabriele Falloppio, Italian anatomist and physician (d. 1562)
    • Martín Cortés, Spanish conquistador (d. 1589)
    • Francisco Foreiro, Portuguese Dominican theologian and biblist (d. 1581)
    • Gaspara Stampa, Italian poet (d. 1554)
  • probable Crispin van den Broeck, Flemish painter (d. 1591)
  • possible Catherine Howard, fifth queen of Henry VIII of England, (b. between 1518 and 1524; executed 1542)




Carolus Clusius
Catherine Jagiellon
  • January 1 Louis Bertrand, Spanish missionary to Latin America, patron saint of Colombia (d. 1581)
  • January 20 Rafael Bombelli, Italian mathematician (d. 1572)
  • January 25 Adolf, Duke of Holstein-Gottorp (d. 1586)
  • February 1 Niiro Tadamoto, Japanese samurai (d. 1611)
  • February 2 Konstanty Wasyl Ostrogski, Polish noble (d. 1608)
  • February 19 Charles de L'Ecluse, Flemish botanist (d. 1609)
  • February 23 Gonçalo da Silveira, Portuguese Jesuit missionary (d. 1561)
  • March 4 Henry Carey, 1st Baron Hunsdon (d. 1596)
  • March 11 Heinrich Rantzau, German humanist writer, astrologer, and astrological writer (d. 1598)
  • April 5 Giuseppe Arcimboldo, Italian painter (d. 1566)
  • April 8 Elisabeth of Brunswick-Calenberg, Countess of Henneberg (d. 1566)
  • April 12 Muretus, French humanist (d. 1585)
  • April 30 Beate Clausdatter Bille, Danish noblewoman (d. 1593)
  • June 9 Matsudaira Hirotada, Japanese daimyō (d. 1549)
  • June 25 Elisabeth Parr, Marchioness of Northampton, English noble (d. 1565)
  • July 9 Elizabeth of Austria, Polish noble (d. 1545)
  • July 10 Philipe de Croÿ, Duke of Aerschot (d. 1595)
  • July 31 Augustus, Elector of Saxony (d. 1586)
  • August 18 Claude, Duke of Aumale, third son of Claude (d. 1573)
  • August 22 Adolph of Nassau-Saarbrücken, Count of Nassau (d. 1559)
  • September 23 Henry Manners, 2nd Earl of Rutland (d. 1563)
  • September 26 Wolfgang, Count Palatine of Zweibrücken (d. 1569)
  • October 1 Dorothy Stafford, English noble (d. 1604)
  • October 30 Hubert Goltzius, Dutch Renaissance painter-engraver (d. 1583)
  • November 1 Catherine Jagiellon, queen of John III of Sweden (d. 1583)
  • November 12 Andreas Gaill, German jurist and statesman (d. 1587)
  • December 12 Álvaro de Bazán, 1st Marquis of Santa Cruz, Spanish admiral (d. 1588)
  • December 26 Rose Lok, English businesswoman and Protestant exile during the Tudor period (d. 1613)
  • December 28 Anna Maria of Brandenburg-Ansbach, German princess (d. 1589)
  • date unknown
    • Kenau Simonsdochter Hasselaer, Dutch war heroine (d. 1588)
    • Ikoma Chikamasa, Japanese daimyō in the Azuchi-Momoyama and Edo periods (d. 1603)
    • Azai Hisamasa, Japanese warlord (d. 1573)
  • probable
    • Taqi ad-Din Muhammad ibn Ma'ruf, Ottoman Muslim scientist (d. 1585)
    • Henry Manners, 2nd Earl of Rutland, Lord Lieutenant of Nottinghamshire (d. 1563)


Anna Sophia of Prussia
Maria Manuela, Princess of Portugal
  • March 4 Ludwig Lavater, Swiss Reformed theologian (d. 1586)
  • March 5 Ulrich, Duke of Mecklenburg (d. 1603)
  • March 10 Alfonso d'Este, Lord of Montecchio, Italian nobleman (d. 1587)
  • March 21 Hermann Finck, German composer and music theorist (d. 1558)
  • March 28 Isabella Markham, English courtier (d. 1579)
  • March 31 Edward Fitton, the elder, Irish politician (d. 1579)
  • April 14 Abraham Ortelius, Flemish cartographer and geographer (d. 1598)
  • c. May 1 Johannes Stadius, German astronomer, astrologer, mathematician (d. 1579)
  • May 21 Philip II, King of Spain (d. 1598)[50]
  • May 31 Agnes of Hesse, German noble, by marriage, Princess of Saxony (d. 1555)
  • June 11 Anna Sophia of Prussia, Duchess of Prussia and Duchess of Mecklenburg (d. 1591)
  • June 24 Jean Vendeville, French law professor, Roman Catholic bishop (d. 1592)
  • July 8 Saitō Yoshitatsu, Japanese daimyō (d. 1561)
  • July 13 John Dee, English mathematician, astronomer, and geographer (d. 1608)[51]
  • July 31 Maximilian II, Holy Roman Emperor (d. 1576)
  • August 10 Barbara of Brandenburg, Duchess of Brieg, German princess (d. 1595)
  • September 29 John Lesley, Scottish bishop (d. 1596)
  • October 2 William Drury, English politician (d. 1579)
  • October 15 Maria Manuela, Princess of Portugal (d. 1545)
  • October 21 Louis I, Cardinal of Guise, French Catholic cardinal (d. 1578)
  • November 1
    • Pedro de Ribadeneira, Spanish hagiologist (d. 1611)
    • William Brooke, 10th Baron Cobham, English noble and politician (d. 1597)
  • November 3 Tilemann Heshusius, Gnesio-Lutheran theologian (d. 1588)
  • November 18 Luca Cambiasi, Italian painter (d. 1585)
  • December 6 Bernhard VIII, Count of Lippe (d. 1563)
  • December 23 Hugues Doneau, French lawyer (d. 1591)
  • date unknown
    • Giuseppe Arcimboldo, Italian artist (d. 1593)
    • Luis de León, Spanish lyric poet and mystic (d. 1591)
    • Sakuma Nobumori, Japanese retainer and samurai (d. 1581)
    • Annibale Padovano, Italian composer and organist (d. 1575)
  • probable
    • John Dudley, 2nd Earl of Warwick, English nobleman (d. 1554)
    • Lawrence Humphrey, English clergyman and educator (d. 1590)


Jeanne III of Navarre
  • February 29
    • Domingo Báñez, Spanish theologian (d. 1604)
    • Albert V, Duke of Bavaria (d. 1579)
  • March 10 Akechi Mitsuhide, Japanese samurai and warlord (d. 1582)
  • March 25 Jakob Andreae, German theologian (d. 1590)
  • June 7 Cyriacus Spangenberg, German theologian and historian (d. 1604)
  • June 21 Maria of Austria, Holy Roman Empress (d. 1603)
  • June 29 Julius, Duke of Brunswick-Lüneburg (d. 1589)
  • July 7 Archduchess Anna of Austria, Duchess of Bavaria (d. 1590)
  • July 8 Emmanuel Philibert, Duke of Savoy (d. 1580)
  • July 26 Diego Andrada de Payva, Portuguese theologian (d. 1575)
  • August 10 Eric II, Duke of Brunswick-Lüneburg (d. 1584)
  • September 25 Otto II, Duke of Brunswick-Harburg (d. 1603)
  • October 4? Francisco Guerrero, Spanish composer (d. 1599)
  • October 10 Adam Lonicer, German botanist (d. 1586)
  • November 2 Petrus Lotichius Secundus, German Neo-Latin poet (d. 1560)
  • November 6 Gabriel Goodman, Dean of Westminster (d. 1601)
  • November 12 Qi Jiguang, Chinese military general (d. 1588)
  • November 14 Francisco Pérez de Valenzuela, Spanish noble (d. 1599)
  • November 16 Jeanne d'Albret, Queen of Navarre (d. 1572)[52]
  • November 29 Anthony Browne, 1st Viscount Montagu, English politician (d. 1592)
  • date unknown
    • Igram van Achelen, Dutch statesman (d. 1604)
    • Adam von Bodenstein, Swiss alchemist and physician (d. 1577)
    • Jean-Jacques Boissard, French antiquary and Latin poet (d. 1602)
    • Andrey Kurbsky, Russian writer (d. 1583)
    • George Talbot, 6th Earl of Shrewsbury, English statesman (d. 1590)
    • Phùng Khắc Khoan, Vietnamese military strategist, politician, diplomat and poet (d. 1613)
    • Sabina, Duchess of Bavaria (d. 1578)
    • Tanegashima Tokitaka, Japanese daimyō (d. 1579)
    • Thomas Whythorne, English musician and author (d. 1595)
  • probable
    • Ambrose Dudley, 3rd Earl of Warwick, English general (d. 1590)
    • Paul de Foix, French diplomat (d. 1584)
    • Jean de Ligne, Duke of Arenberg, stadtholder of the Dutch provinces of Friesland (d. 1568)
    • Costanzo Porta, Italian composer (d. 1601)


Franciscus Patricius
  • January 8 John Frederick II, Duke of Saxony (d. 1595)
  • January 13 Ebba Månsdotter, Swedish noble (d. 1609)
  • February 14 Markus Fugger, German businessman (d. 1597)
  • February 23 Onofrio Panvinio, Augustinian historian (d. 1568)
  • April 3 Michael Neander, German mathematician and historian (d. 1581)
  • April 25 Francesco Patrizi, Italian philosopher and scientist (d. 1597)
  • May 12 Sabina of Brandenburg-Ansbach, German princess (d. 1575)
  • June 7 Étienne Pasquier, French lawyer, poet and author (d. 1615)
  • June 14 Ferdinand II, Archduke of Austria, regent of Tyrol and Further Austria (d. 1595)
  • July 16 Petrus Peckius the Elder, Dutch jurist, writer on international maritime law (d. 1589)
  • July 20 Henry Sidney, lord deputy of Ireland (d. 1586)[53]
  • July 24 Charles II, Margrave of Baden-Durlach (d. 1577)
  • August 10 Ernst Vögelin, German publisher (d. 1589)
  • September 1 Taddeo Zuccari, Italian painter (d. 1566)
  • September 25 Günther XLI, Count of Schwarzburg-Arnstadt (d. 1583)
  • October 26 Anna of Hesse, Countess Palatine of Zweibrücken (d. 1591)
  • December 11 Fulvio Orsini, Italian humanist historian (d. 1600)
  • December 16 Laurent Joubert, French physician (d. 1582)
  • date unknown
    • Titu Cusi, Inca ruler of Vilcabamba (d. 1571)
    • Giambologna, Italian sculptor (d. 1608)
    • Michał Wiśniowiecki, Ruthenian prince at Wiśniowiec (d. 1584)
    • George Puttenham, English critic (d. 1590)




Emperor Zhengde
Saint Margaret of Lorraine
Blessed Domenico Spadafora


Johann Reuchlin
  • January 25 Raffaello Maffei, Italian theologian (b. 1451)
  • January 29 Wolfgang I of Oettingen, German count (b. 1455)
  • February 25 William Lilye, English classical scholar (b. c. 1468)
  • April Queen Eleni of Ethiopia
  • April 10 Francesco Cattani da Diacceto, Italian philosopher (b. 1466)
  • June 13 Piero Soderini, Florentine statesman (b. 1450)[63]
  • June 24 Elisabeth of the Palatinate, Landgravine of Hesse, German noble (b. 1483)
  • June 25 Franchinus Gaffurius, Italian composer (b. 1451)
  • June 30 Johann Reuchlin, German humanist and Hebrew scholar (b. 1455)
  • August 28- Giovanni Antonio Amadeo, sculptor, engineer and architect
  • September Gavin Douglas, Scottish poet and bishop (b. c. 1474)
  • October 30 Jean Mouton, French composer (b. c. 1459)
  • November 14 Anne of France, Princess and Regent of France (b. 1461)[64]
  • date unknown Fiorenzo di Lorenzo, Italian painter (b. 1440)


  • February 4 Thomas Ruthall, English chancellor of the University of Cambridge
  • March 28 Louis I, Count of Löwenstein, founder of the House of Löwenstein-Wertheim (b. 1463)
  • April 6 Henry Stafford, 1st Earl of Wiltshire, English nobleman (b. 1479)
  • May 7
    • Antonio Grimani, Italian admiral (b. 1434)
    • Franz von Sickingen, German knight (b. 1481)
  • May 23 Ashikaga Yoshitane, Japanese shōgun (b. 1466)
  • May 24 Henry Marney, 1st Baron Marney, English politician (b. 1447)
  • July 1 Johann Esch and Heinrich Voes, Flemish Lutheran martyrs
  • July 7 Wijerd Jelckama, Frisian rebel and warlord (b. 1490)
  • August 13 Gerard David, Flemish artist (b. c. 1455)
  • August 27 Domenico Grimani, Italian nobleman (b. 1461)
  • August 29 Ulrich von Hutten, Lutheran reformer (b. 1488)
  • September 14 Pope Adrian VI (b. 1459)[65]
  • October 5 Bogislaw X, Duke of Pomerania (1474–1523) (b. 1454)
  • October 11 Bartolomeo Montagna, Italian painter (b. 1450)
  • November 10 Lachlan Cattanach Maclean, 11th Chief, Scottish clan chief (b. 1465)
  • October William Cornysh, English composer (b. 1465)
  • date unknown
    • Cecilia Månsdotter, Swedish noble (b. c. 1476)
    • Alessandro Alessandri, Italian jurist (b. 1461)
    • Pietro Perugino, Italian painter (b. 1446)


  • January 5 Marko Marulić, Croatian poet (b. 1450)
  • January 6 Amalie of the Palatinate, duchess consort of Pomerania (b. 1490)
  • February 10 Catherine of Saxony, Archduchess of Austria (b. 1468)
  • February 11 Isabella of Aragon, Duchess of Milan, daughter of King Alfonso II of Naples (b. 1470)
  • February 20 Tecun Uman, Kʼicheʼ Mayan ruler (b. c. 1500)
  • March 28
    • Elisabeth of Brandenburg, Duchess of Württemberg (b. 1451)
    • Ingrid Persdotter, Swedish nun and letter writer
  • April 14 William Conyers, 1st Baron Conyers, English baron (b. 1468)
  • April 30 Pierre Terrail, seigneur de Bayard, French soldier (b. 1473)
  • May 17 Francesco Soderini, Italian Catholic cardinal (b. 1453)
  • May 21 Thomas Howard, 2nd Duke of Norfolk, English soldier and statesman (b. 1443)
  • May 23 Ismail I, Safavid dynasty Shah of Persia (b. 1487)
  • May 31 Camilla Battista da Varano, Italian Roman Catholic nun and saint (b. 1458)
  • June 12 Diego Velázquez de Cuéllar, Spanish conquistador (b. 1465)
  • July 9 Sibylle of Brandenburg, Duchess of Jülich and Berg (b. 1467)
  • July 20 Claude of France, queen consort of Francis I of France (b. 1499)
  • August 4 Helen of the Palatinate, Duchess of Pomerania (b. 1493)
  • August 24 Sir William Scott, English Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports (b. 1459)
  • September 18 Charlotte of Valois, French princess (b. 1516)
  • October 5 Joachim Patinir, Flemish landscape painter (b. c. 1480)
  • October 20 Thomas Linacre, English humanist and physician (b. 1460)
  • October 26 Philip II, Count of Waldeck-Eisenberg (1486–1524) (b. 1453)
  • November 12 Juan Rodríguez de Fonseca, Spanish archbishop and courtier (b. 1451)
  • December 24 Vasco da Gama, Portuguese explorer (b. c. 1469)[66]
  • date unknown
    • Hans Holbein the Elder, German painter (b. 1460)
    • Andrea Solari, Italian painter (b. 1460)
    • Tang Yin, Chinese painter (b. 1470)


Jakob Fugger
  • January 24 Franciabigio, Florentine painter (b. 1482)
  • February 24 (in action at the Battle of Pavia)
    • Guillaume Gouffier, seigneur de Bonnivet, French soldier (b. c. 1488)
    • Jacques de La Palice, French nobleman and military officer (b. 1470)
    • Richard de la Pole, last Yorkist claimant to the English throne (b. 1480)
    • Louis II de la Trémoille, French military leader (b. 1460)[67]
    • Bartolomeo Fanfulla, Italian mercenary (b. 1477)
    • René de Brosse, French noble
  • February 28 Cuauhtémoc, last Tlatoani of the Aztec Empire (b. c. 1495)[68]
  • April 3 Giovanni di Bernardo Rucellai, Italian Renaissance man of letters (b. 1475)
  • May 5 Frederick III, Elector of Saxony (b. 1463)[69]
  • May 12 Anna of Mecklenburg-Schwerin, Mecklenburgian royal (b. 1485)
  • May 18 Pietro Pomponazzi, Italian philosopher (b. 1462)
  • May 27 Thomas Müntzer, German pastor and rebel leader (b. 1489) (executed)
  • July 5 Johann of Brandenburg-Ansbach, Viceroy of Valencia, German noble (b. 1493)
  • July 22 Richard Wingfield, English diplomat (b. c. 1456)
  • August 4 Andrea della Robbia, Italian artist (b. 1435)
  • October 24 Thomas Dacre, 2nd Baron Dacre, Knight of Henry VIII of England (b. 1467)
  • November 17 Eleanor of Viseu, queen of João II of Portugal (b. 1458)
  • December 30 Jakob Fugger, German banker (b. 1459)
  • date unknown
    • Nicholas Storch, German weaver and reformer
  • probable
    • Jean Lemaire de Belges, Walloon poet and historian (b. 1473)
    • Anna Bielke, Swedish noble and commander (b. 1490)


Isabella of Austria
Louis II of Hungary and Bohemia
  • January 16 Catherine of the Palatinate, Abbess of Neuburg am Neckar (b. 1499)
  • January 19 Isabella of Burgundy, queen of Christian II of Denmark (b. 1501)
  • February 23 Diego Colón, Spanish Viceroy of the Indies (b. c. 1479)
  • March 15 Charles Somerset, 1st Earl of Worcester (b. 1460)
  • March 24 Adolph II, Prince of Anhalt-Köthen, German prince (b. 1458)
  • March 30 Konrad Mutian, German humanist (b. 1471)
  • April 21 Ibrahim Lodi, last Sultan of Delhi (in battle)
  • May 19 Emperor Go-Kashiwabara of Japan (b. 1464)
  • June 4 Francisco Fernández de la Cueva, 2nd Duke of Alburquerque, Spanish duke (b. 1467)
  • July 14 John de Vere, 14th Earl of Oxford, English noble (b. 1499)
  • July 20 García Jofre de Loaísa, Spanish explorer (b. 1490)
  • August 4 Juan Sebastián Elcano, Spanish explorer (b. 1476)
  • August 29 King Louis II of Hungary and Bohemia (in battle) (b. 1506)
  • September 5 Alonso de Salazar, Spanish explorer
  • October 18 Lucas Vázquez de Ayllón, Spanish explorer (b. 1480)
  • November 5 Scipione del Ferro, Italian mathematician (b. 1465)
  • November 30 Giovanni dalle Bande Nere, Italian condottiero (b. 1498)
  • December 12 Le Chieu Tong, Emperor of Đại Việt, was killed by Mạc Đăng Dung (b. 1506)
  • date unknown
    • Abu Bakr ibn Muhammad, sultan of Adal (assassinated)
    • Francisco Hernández de Córdoba, founder of the Spanish colony of Nicaragua (b. c. 1475)
    • Thado Minsaw of Prome, Burmese king of Prome
    • Binnya Ran II, Burmese king of Hanthawaddy (b. 1469)
    • Conrad Grebel, co-founder of the Anabaptist movement (b. 1498)


Juan de Grijalva
Rodrigo de Bastidas
  • January 5 Felix Manz, leader of the Swiss Anabaptists (executed) (b. 1498)
  • January 21 Juan de Grijalva, Spanish conqueror (b. 1489)
  • March 14 Shwenankyawshin, Burmese king of Ava (b. 1476)
  • March 17 Rana Sanga, Indian ruler (b. 1484)
  • April 19
    • Christoph I, Margrave of Baden-Baden (b. 1453)
    • Henry Percy, 5th Earl of Northumberland (b. 1477)
  • April/May Sir Thomas Docwra, English Grand Prior of the Knights Hospitaller (b. 1458)
  • May 6 Charles III, Duke of Bourbon, Count of Montpensier and Dauphin of Auvergne (b. 1490)
  • June 21 Niccolò Machiavelli, Italian writer and statesman (b. 1469)[70]
  • June 28 Bernardo de' Rossi, Italian bishop (b. 1468)
  • July 28 Rodrigo de Bastidas, Spanish conqueror and explorer (b. c. 1460)
  • September 21 Casimir, Margrave of Brandenburg-Bayreuth, Margrave of Bayreuth (b. 1481)
  • October 27 Johann Froben, Swiss printer and publisher (b. c. 1460)
  • November 15 Catherine of York, English princess (b. 1479)[71]
  • November 8 Jerome Emser, German theologian (b. 1477)
  • date unknown Luisa de Medrano, Spanish scholar (b. 1484)
    • Francesco Colonna, Italian Dominican priest (b. 1433)
    • Div Sultan Rumlu, Persian military leader
    • Petrus Thaborita, Frisian historian and monk (b. c. 1450)
    • Cristoforo Solari, Italian sculptor and architect (b. c. 1460)
    • Jan "Ciężki" Tarnowski, Polish nobleman (b. c. 1479)
    • Huayna Capac, Sapa Inca of the Inca Empire (b. 1493)
    • Ludovico Vicentino degli Arrighi, Italian calligrapher and type designer (b. 1475)
    • Anna Swenonis, Swedish manuscript illuminator
  • probable Jane Shore, mistress of King Edward IV of England


  • January 30 Maharana Sangram Singh, Rana of Mewar (b. 1484)
  • February 29 Patrick Hamilton, Scottish religious reformer (martyred) (b. 1504)
  • March 10 Balthasar Hübmaier, influential German/Moravian Anabaptist leader (b. 1480)
  • April 1 Francisco de Peñalosa, Spanish composer (b. c. 1470)
  • April 6 Albrecht Dürer, German artist, writer, and mathematician (b. 1471)[72]
  • July Palma il Vecchio, Italian painter (b. 1480)
  • August 15 Odet de Foix, Vicomte de Lautrec, French military leader (b. 1485)
  • August 20 Georg von Frundsberg, German knight and landowner (b. 1473)
  • August 23 Louis, Count of Vaudémont, Italian bishop (b. 1500)
  • August 31 Matthias Grünewald, German artist (b. 1470)
  • September Pánfilo de Narváez, Spanish conqueror and soldier in the Americas (b. 1480)
  • October 5 Richard Foxe, English churchman (b. c. 1448)
  • October 18 Michele Antonio, Marquess of Saluzzo (b. 1495)
  • October 21 Johann of Schwarzenberg, German judge and poet (b. 1463)
  • November 17 Jakob Wimpfeling, Renaissance humanist (b. 1450)
  • December 7 Margaret of Saxony, Duchess of Brunswick-Lüneburg (b. 1469)
  • date unknown
    • Giovanni da Verrazzano, Italian explorer (b. 1485)
    • Peter Vischer the Younger, German sculptor (b. 1487)
    • Mahmud Shah of Malacca, Malaccan sultan
    • Daljunkern, Swedish rebel leader who may have been pretender Nils Sture (b. 1512)
    • Barbro Stigsdotter, Swedish noblewoman and heroine (b. 1472)
    • Guru Ravidas, (b. 1377)


Baldassare Castiglione
  • January 7 Peter Vischer the Elder, German sculptor (b. 1455)
  • January 9 Wang Yangming, Chinese Neo-Confucian scholar (b. 1472)
  • January 29 - Ōuchi Yoshioki, Japanese daimyo (b. 1477)
  • February 2 Baldassare Castiglione, Italian writer and diplomat (b. 1478)
  • February 4 Ludwig Haetzer, German Protestant reformer (executed) (b. 1500)
  • March 28 Philipp II, Count of Hanau-Münzenberg (b. 1501)
  • April 20 Silvio Passerini, Italian cardinal and lord of Florence (b. 1469)
  • May 12 Cecily Bonville, 7th Baroness Harington (b. c. 1460)
  • June 21 John Skelton, English poet (b. c. 1460)
  • September 6 George Blaurock, Swiss founder of the Anabaptist Church (b. 1491)
  • September 27 George of the Palatinate, German nobleman; Bishop of Speyer (1513–1529) (b. 1486)
  • November 20 Karl von Miltitz, German papal nuncio (b. c. 1490)
  • date unknown
    • Krishnadevaraya, Vijaynagar emperor
    • Richard Pynson, Norman-born English printer (b. 1448)
    • Andrea Sansovino, Italian sculptor (b. 1467)
    • Petrus Särkilahti, Finnish Lutheran and scientist
    • Paulus Aemilius Veronensis, Italian historian (b. 1455)
  • probable Lo Spagna, Italian painter
  • possible La Malinche, Nahua (native Mexican) interpreter and translator for Hernán Cortés, during the Conquest of Mexico


  1. Ewan Butler (1973). The Horizon Concise History of Scandinavia. American Heritage Publishing Company. p. 81. ISBN 978-0-07-009365-2.
  2. Winston Churchill (1969). History of the English Speaking Peoples: Based on the Text of 'A History of the English-speaking Peoples' by Sir Winston Churchill. B.P.C. Publishing. p. 1096.
  3. Stephen Vincent Grancsay (1986). Arms & Armor: Essays from the Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin, 1920-1964. The Museum. p. 207. ISBN 978-0-87099-338-1.
  4. Michael M. Tavuzzi (1997). Prierias: The Life and Works of Silvestro Mazzolini Da Prierio, 1456-1527. Duke University Press. p. 80. ISBN 0-8223-1976-4.
  5. Hugh Chisholm; James Louis Garvin (1926). The Encyclopædia Britannica: A Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, Literature & General Information. Encyclopædia Britannica Company, Limited. p. 137.
  6. The Downside Review. Downside Abbey. 1970. p. 284.
  7. Rosario Mendoza Cortes (2000). The Filipino Saga: History as Social Change. New Day Publishers. p. 29. ISBN 978-971-10-1055-3.
  8. Studies. Studies. 1985. p. 230.
  9. Mary Agnes Burniston Brazier (1959). The Historical Development of Neurophysiology. American Physiological Society. p. 4.
  10. Collier's Encyclopedia
  11. André Biéler (2006). Calvin's Economic and Social Thought. World Alliance of Reformed Churches, World Council of Churches. p. 34. ISBN 978-2-8254-1445-3.
  12. Palmer, Alan; Veronica (1992). The Chronology of British History. London: Century Ltd. pp. 142–145. ISBN 0-7126-5616-2.
  13. Williams, Hywel (2005). Cassell's Chronology of World History. London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson. pp. 204–210. ISBN 0-304-35730-8.
  14. Hackett, Francis (1937). Francis the First. Garden City, NY: Doubleday. p. 253.
  15. "1522: El año en el que Almería fue destruida por un gran terremoto" (in Spanish). Víctor Hernández Bru. July 11, 2017. Retrieved 2020-02-22.
  16. The World Factbook. Central Intelligence Agency. 1997. p. 463.
  17. Desiderius Erasmus (1 January 1974). The Correspondence of Erasmus: Letters 1356 to 1534, 1523 to 1524: Letters 1356 to 1534, 1523 to 1524. University of Toronto Press. pp. 163–. ISBN 978-0-8020-5976-5.
  18. Keay, John (2008). China: A History. London: HarperPress. ISBN 9780007221776. 0007221770. The 'breech-loading culverins presented at the Ming court in 1522' were a gift from the Portuguese; and Portuguese arquebuses were acquired in the 1540s by the Japanese, who copied and greatly improved them.
  19. Paine, Lincoln P. (2000). Ships of Discovery and Exploration. New York: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. p. 37. ISBN 0-395-98415-7.
  20. Grun, Bernard (1991). The Timetables of History (3rd ed.). New York: Simon & Schuster. p. 235. ISBN 0-671-74919-6.
  21. James Stuart Olson (1991). The Indians of Central and South America: An Ethnohistorical Dictionary. Greenwood Publishing Group. p. 294. ISBN 978-0-313-26387-3.
  22. Jean Giono (1965). The Battle of Pavia, 24th February, 1525. P. Owen. p. 134.
  23. Christopher Ocker (30 August 2018). Luther, Conflict, and Christendom: Reformation Europe and Christianity in the West. Cambridge University Press. p. 437. ISBN 978-1-107-19768-8.
  24. R. J. Knecht (26 April 1984). Francis I. Cambridge University Press. p. 189. ISBN 978-0-521-27887-4.
  25. Sharp, Andrew (1960). Early Spanish Discoveries in the Pacific. pp. 11–13.
  26. K. V. Krishna Rao (1991). Prepare Or Perish: A Study of National Security. Lancer Publishers. p. 453. ISBN 978-81-7212-001-6.
  27. Indonesia, the First 50 Years, 1945-1995. Buku Antar Bangsa. 1995. p. 119. ISBN 978-979-8926-00-6.
  28. Steffensen, Kenneth (2007). Scandinavia After the Fall of the Kalmar Union: a Study of Scandinavian Relations, 1523-1536. Unpubl. M.A. Thesis, Brigham Young University.
  29. Fisher, George P (1873). The Reformation. Scribner.
  30. Lillie Rollins Crawford; Robert Junious Crawford (1996). Roos Af Hjelmsäter: A Swedish Noble Family with Allied Families and Emigrants. Gateway Press. p. 420.
  31. Los viajes de Diego García de Moguer.
  32. Cristina Acidini; Cristina Acidini Luchinat; Palazzo Strozzi (1 January 2002). The Medici, Michelangelo, & the Art of Late Renaissance Florence. Yale University Press. p. 172. ISBN 978-0-300-09495-4.
  33. "Renaissance: The Reconstructed Libraries of European Scholars: 1450-1700". Archived from the original on 2008-07-20. Retrieved 2007-11-08.
  34. Reported by local gazetteers.
  35. Area Handbook Series. American University, Foreign Area Studies. 1993. p. 19. ISBN 978-0-8444-0739-5.
  36. Collins, WE (1903) The Scandinavian North, in AW Ward, GW Prothero & Stanley Leathes (eds.) The Cambridge Modern History. Cambridge Univ. Press, pp. 599-638.
  37. Carmen Guerrero Nakpil (1977). The Philippines and the Filipinos. Nakpil. p. 60.
  38. Christiansen, John (2009). "The English Sweat in Lübeck and North Germany, 1529". Medical History. 53 (3): 415–424. doi:10.1017/S0025727300004002. PMC 2706052. PMID 19584960.
  39. Kenneth J. Dillon (1976). King and Estates in the Bohemian Lands, 1526-1564. Editions de la Librairie encyclopédique. p. 54.
  40. "Alster-Beste Kanal (Alster-Trave-Kanal.)". Lost Canals of Schleswig-Holstein. 2007-05-29. Retrieved 2020-02-21.
  41. The Encyclopedia Americana. Americana Corporation. 1976. p. 787. ISBN 978-0-7172-0107-5.
  42. Grolier Incorporated (1997). The encyclopedia Americana. Grolier Incorporated. p. 18. ISBN 9780717201303.
  43. RACAR, Revue D'art Canadienne: Canadian Art Review. Society for the Promotion of Art History Publications in Canada. 1990. p. 18.
  44. "Albert II Alcibiades | margrave of Brandenburg-Kulmbach | Britannica". www.britannica.com. Retrieved 16 March 2022.
  45. "Jacques Cujas". Oxford Reference. Retrieved 27 June 2022.
  46. Edward Bourbeau (1983). Three Centuries of Bourbeaus in North America: From Pierre Bourbeau (1648) to Louis-Ludger Bourbeau (1939). p. 193.
  47. A. J. Hoenselaars (1999). The Author as Character: Representing Historical Writers in Western Literature. Fairleigh Dickinson Univ Press. p. 228. ISBN 978-0-8386-3786-9.
  48. Harrisse, Henry (1872). A Description of Works Relating to America. p. 173.
  49. Gertraude Winkelmann-Rhein (1969). The Paintings and Drawings of Jan 'Flower' Bruegel. H. N. Abrams. p. 25.
  50. Patrick Williams (14 March 2017). Philip II. Macmillan International Higher Education. p. 3. ISBN 978-1-4039-1381-4.
  51. Peter J. French (1987). John Dee: The World of an Elizabethan Magus. Psychology Press. p. 20. ISBN 978-0-7448-0079-1.
  52. Jo Eldridge Carney (2001). Renaissance and Reformation, 1500-1620: A Biographical Dictionary. Greenwood Publishing Group. p. 8. ISBN 978-0-313-30574-0.
  53. Ann Hoffmann (1977). Lives of the Tudor Age, 1485-1603. Barnes & Noble Books. p. 397. ISBN 978-0-06-494331-4.
  54. The New Encyclopaedia Britannica. Encyclopaedia Britannica. 1998. p. 333. ISBN 978-0-85229-663-9.
  55. Martin Clayton; Queen's Gallery; Martin Postle (1999). Raphael and His Circle: Drawings from Windsor Castle. Merrell Holberton. p. 19. ISBN 978-1-85894-076-2.
  56. "Moctezuma II" (in Spanish). Biografias y Vidas. Retrieved June 1, 2019.
  57. Esin Atl; Esin Atıl; Arifi (1986). Süleymanname: The Illustrated History of Süleyman the Magnificent. National Gallery of Art. p. 238. ISBN 978-0-89468-088-5.
  58. "Cuitláhuac" (in Spanish). Biografias y Vidas. Retrieved June 1, 2019.
  59. "Ixtlilxóchitl II" (in Spanish). Biografias y Vidas. Retrieved June 1, 2019.
  60. Deborah Wei; Rachael Kamel (1998). Resistance in Paradise: Rethinking 100 Years of U.S. Involvement in the Caribbean and the Pacific. American Friends Service Committee. p. 15. ISBN 978-0-910082-33-4.
  61. Max Reinhart; James N. Hardin (1997). German Writers of the Renaissance and Reformation, 1280-1580. Gale Research. p. 21. ISBN 978-0-7876-1069-2.
  62. "Leo X | pope". Encyclopedia Britannica. Retrieved 1 December 2020.
  63. John F. D'Amico (1993). Roman and German Humanism, 1450-1550. Variorum. p. 201. ISBN 978-0-86078-388-6.
  64. "Anne Of France | regent of France | Britannica". www.britannica.com. Retrieved 14 August 2022.
  65. "Adrian VI | pope". Encyclopedia Britannica. Retrieved 20 March 2021.
  66. Sanjay Subrahmanyam (29 October 1998). The Career and Legend of Vasco Da Gama. Cambridge University Press. p. 11. ISBN 978-0-521-64629-1.
  67. John Powell; Christina J. Moose; Rowena Wildin (2001). Magill's Guide to Military History: Jap-Pel. Salem Press. p. 873. ISBN 978-0-89356-017-1.
  68. Morris Rosenblum (1969). Heroes of Mexico. Fleet Press Corporation. p. 41. ISBN 978-0-8303-0082-2.
  69. The Encyclopaedia Britannica: A Dictionary of Arts, Sciences and General Literature. R. S. Peale & Company. 1890. p. 741.
  70. Phil Harris; Andrew Lock; Patricia Rees (20 April 2000). Machiavelli, Marketing and Management. Routledge. p. 13. ISBN 978-1-134-60568-2.
  71. Panton, James (February 24, 2011). Historical Dictionary of the British Monarchy. Scarecrow Press. p. 92. ISBN 978-0-8108-7497-8.
  72. Richard Ford Heath (1929). Albrecht Dürer, 1471-1528. S. Low, Marston. p. 87.
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