
The 1560s decade ran from January 1, 1560, to December 31, 1569.

Millennium: 2nd millennium
  • Births
  • Deaths
  • By country
  • By topic
  • Establishments
  • Disestablishments




  • January 7 In the Kingdom of Scotland, French troops commanded by Henri Cleutin and Captain Corbeyran de Cardaillac Sarlabous sail across the Firth of Forth from Leith, which they are occupying, and fight with the Lords of the Congregation at Pettycur Bay near Kinghorn.
  • February 27 Treaty of Berwick: Terms are agreed upon with the Lords of the Congregation in Scotland, for forces of the Kingdom of England to enter Scotland, to expel French troops defending the Regency of Mary of Guise.[1]
  • March 7 A Spanish-led expedition, commanded by Juan de la Cerda, 4th Duke of Medinaceli, overruns the Tunisian island of Djerba.
  • March 17 Leaders of the Amboise conspiracy, including Godefroy de Barry, seigneur de La Renaudie, make an unsuccessful attempt to storm the château of Amboise, where the young French king and queen are residing. La Renaudie is subsequently caught and executed, along with over 1,000 of his followers.
  • April 15 Denmark–Norway buys the Estonian island of Øsel, from its last prince-bishop.
  • May 11 Battle of Djerba: The Ottoman fleet, commanded by Piali Pasha, overwhelms a large joint European (mainly Spanish) fleet, sinking about half its ships.
  • June 12 Battle of Okehazama: Oda Nobunaga defeats Imagawa Yoshimoto.[2]


Date unknown

  • The complete Geneva Bible is published.
  • The first tulip bulb is brought from Constantinople to the Netherlands (probable date).
  • The first scientific society, the Academia Secretorum Naturae, is founded in Naples by Giambattista della Porta.[5]
  • Solihull School is founded in the West Midlands of England.
  • The oldest surviving violin (dated inside), known as the Charles IX, is made in Cremona, in northern Italy.
  • Bairam Khan loses power in the Mughal Empire.
  • The Mongols invade and occupy Qinghai.
  • The great age of piracy in the Caribbean starts around this time.



  • January 31 The Edict of Orleans suspends the persecution of the Huguenots in France.
  • March 1 Kingston Grammar School is founded in England.
  • April 14 The citizens of Nuremberg see what appears to be an aerial battle, followed by the appearance of a large black triangular object and a large crash (with smoke) outside the city. A news notice (an early form of newspaper) is printed on April 14, describing the event.[6]
  • May 8 Madrid is declared the capital of Spain, by Philip II.[7]
  • June 4
  • June 25 Francis Coxe, an English astrologer, is pilloried at Cheapside in London, and makes a public confession of his involvement in "sinistral and divelysh artes".[9]
  • June 29 Erik XIV is crowned King of Sweden.


Date unknown

  • Merchant Taylors' School is founded in the City of London by Sir Thomas White, Sir Richard Hilles, Emanuel Lucar, and Stephen Hales.[11]
  • The first Calvinists settle in England, after fleeing Flanders.
  • The Anglo-Genevan metrical psalter is published, including the Old 100th, the version of the hymn All People That on Earth Do Dwell made from Psalm 100, attributed to the probably-Scottish clergyman and biblical translator William Kethe, exiled in Geneva.[12]
  • Ruy López de Segura develops modern techniques of chess playing in Spain.
  • William Baldwin's Beware the Cat (written early 1553), an early example of extended fiction (specifically horror fiction) in English, is published anonymously in London. This edition appears to have been suppressed, and no copies survive.[13]
  • Between 1561 and 1670, 3,229 alleged witches are executed in southwestern Germany, most by burning.




  • July 12 Fray Diego de Landa, acting Bishop of Yucatan, burns the sacred books of the Maya.
  • August The Wiesensteig witch trial begins.
  • September 20 The Treaty of Hampton Court, between Queen Elizabeth I of England and Huguenot leader Louis, Prince of Condé, is signed.[17]
  • September 22 Maximilian, son of the Emperor Ferdinand I, succeeds as king of the Kingdom of Bohemia.
  • October Privateer John Hawkins undertakes the first of several slave trading voyages, attacking Portuguese slave ships off the West African coast and forcibly transporting the enslaved Africans onboard to Spanish colonies in the Americas to sell. Hawkins arrives at the island of Hispaniola in the Spanish West Indies, where he illicitly sells the enslaved Africans to local colonists, as his presence is technically in violation of Spanish law.[18]
  • October 4 English forces under Ambrose Dudley, 3rd Earl of Warwick, land at Le Havre to aid the Huguenots against the French Crown.[17]
  • October 19 La Herradura naval disaster: Twenty-five ships sink in a storm, and some 5,000 people are killed.
  • October 26 Rouen is captured by Royalist forces under Antoine de Bourbon, King of Navarre, who is mortally wounded.
  • November 5 Battle of Corrichie in Scotland: The rebellion of George Gordon, Earl of Huntly is crushed by James Stewart, Earl of Moray.[19]
  • November 20 Maximilian of Bohemia is elected King of the Romans.
  • December 19 Battle of Dreux: Huguenot and Catholic forces fight a bloody battle, narrowly won by the Catholic side. The official leaders of both armies are captured in the battle.[20]

Date unknown

  • Mughal Emperor Akbar conquers Malwa, and its last Sultan, Baz Bahadur, flees.
  • The Church of England approves the Thirty-Nine Articles of Religion, defining its doctrinal stance.[18]
  • Dudley Grammar School is established, and Gresham's School is granted a royal charter, in England.
  • Fausto Sozzini publishes Brevis explicatio in primum Johannis caput, originating Socinianism.
  • Giacomo Barozzi da Vignola publishes Regola delli cinque ordini d'architettura (Rules of the Five Orders of Architecture);[21] in succeeding centuries it will become the most published book in architectural history.[22]
  • The Pünte at Wiltshausen, a small, hand-operated ferry, now a historic monument, is first recorded.
  • The Portuguese army is defeated at the Battle of Mulleriyawa, Sri Lanka, at the hand of the Sitawaka army commanded by Prince Tikiri Bandara (King Rajasinghe), leaving 1600 dead. This is considered the worst defeat the Portuguese had at that time.
  • An arsenal in Paris exploded. As written by Ambroise Paré in The Workes of Ambrose Parey: "In the yeare of our Lord 1562, a quantity of this pouder [gunpowder] which was not very great, taking fire by accident in the Arcenall of Paris, caused such a tempest that the whole city shook, but it quite overturned many of the neighboring houses, and shook off the tiles and broke the windows of those which were further away; and to conclude, like a storm of lightning, it laid many here and there for dead, some lost their sight, others their hearing, and others their limbs were torn apart as if they had been rent with wild horses" pg.415




  • July 28 The English surrender Le Havre to the French after a siege.
  • August 13 Northern Seven Years' War: War against the Kingdom of Sweden is declared by Denmark–Norway and the Free City of Lübeck.
  • August 18 Merchants from the Bungo Province destroy the Portuguese settlement in Yokoseura, Japan
  • September 4 Northern Seven Years' War: King Frederick II of Denmark, advancing from Halland, takes Älvsborg fortress from Sweden.
  • December 4 The Council of Trent (opened December 13, 1545) officially closes.[24] It reaffirms all major Roman Catholic doctrines, and declares the Deuterocanonical books of the Old Testament to be canonical, along with the rest of the Bible. Chapter 1, Session 24, promulgates the decree Tametsi, stipulating that for a marriage to be valid, consent (the essence of marriage) as expressed in the vows has to be given publicly before witnesses, one of whom has to be the parish priest.




Date unknown

  • First recorded report of a 'rat king'.[26]
  • approx. date Idris Alooma starts to rule the Kanem-Bornu Empire.
  • The first Scottish Psalter is published.



March 1: Founding of Rio de Janeiro.


Date unknown

  • The pencil is first documented by Conrad Gesner; it is becoming common in England.
  • John Beddoes School is founded at Presteigne, Wales.
  • Herlufsholm School is founded in Denmark.
  • Huntingdon Grammar School is established in England.



  • January 7 Pope Pius V succeeds Pope Pius IV, as the 225th pope.[30]
  • February 24 In one of the first gun assassinations in Japanese (if not world) history, Mimura Iechika is shot dead by two brothers (Endo Matajiro and Yoshijiro), sent by his rival Ukita Naoie.
  • March 28 The foundation stone of Valletta, which will become Malta's capital city, is laid by Jean Parisot de Valette, Grand Master of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta.
  • April 5 The Compromise of Nobles is presented to Margaret of Parma, Governor of the Habsburg Netherlands, but it succeeds only in delaying the beginning of the Eighty Years' War in the Netherlands.


Date unknown



  • January A Spanish force under the command of Captain Juan Pardo establishes Fort San Juan, in the Native American settlement of Joara. The fort is the first European settlement in present-day North Carolina.
  • January 20 Battle of Rio de Janeiro: Portuguese forces under the command of Estácio de Sá definitively drive the French out of Rio de Janeiro.
  • January 23 After 45 years' reign, the Jiajing Emperor dies in the Forbidden City of China.
  • February 4 The Longqing Emperor ascends the throne of the Ming Dynasty.
  • February 10 Henry Stuart, Lord Darnley, husband of Mary, Queen of Scots, is murdered at the Provost's House in Kirk o' Field, Edinburgh.[32]
  • March 13 Battle of Oosterweel: A Spanish mercenary army surprises and kills a band of rebels near Antwerp in the Habsburg Netherlands, beginning the Eighty Years' War.
  • May 15 Mary, Queen of Scots, marries James Hepburn, 4th Earl of Bothwell.[33]
  • May 24 Sture Murders: The mentally unstable King Erik XIV of Sweden and his guards murder five incarcerated nobles at Uppsala Castle.
  • June 15 Battle of Carberry Hill: Mary, Queen of Scots, is defeated by the Scottish nobles and imprisoned in Loch Leven Castle.


  • July 24 Mary, Queen of Scots, is forced to abdicate, and replaced by her one-year-old son James VI.
  • July 25 The city of Santiago de León de Caracas is founded by Diego de Losada.
  • July 29 James VI is crowned at Stirling.
  • August 22 The Duke of Alba is sent to the Netherlands with a strong Spanish force, to suppress unrest there. He replaces Margaret of Parma as Governor of the Netherlands. Prince William of Orange is outlawed, and Lamoral, Count of Egmont imprisoned.
  • September 9 At a dinner, the Duke of Alba arrests Lamoral, Count of Egmont and Philip de Montmorency, Count of Horn for treason.
  • September 27 After the 2-week Siege of Inabayama Castle, the Oda clan capture Gifu Castle from the Saitō clan in Japan.
  • September 29 The Second War of Religion begins in France, when Louis, Prince of Condé and Gaspard de Coligny fail in an attempt to capture King Charles IX and his mother at Meaux. The Huguenots do capture several cities (including Orléans), and march on Paris.
  • October 7 Bible translations into Welsh: The New Testament is first published in Welsh, in William Salesbury's translation from the Greek.
  • November 10 Battle of Saint-Denis: Anne de Montmorency, with 16,000 Royalists, falls on Condé's 3,500 Huguenots. The Huguenots surprisingly hold on for some hours before being driven off. Montmorency is mortally wounded.[34]

Date unknown




  • July 21 Battle of Jemmingen: The main Spanish army of the Duke of Alba utterly defeats Louis of Nassau's invading army, in the Northeastern Netherlands.
  • August 18 The Third War of Religion begins in France, after an unsuccessful attempt by the Royalists to capture Condé and Coligny, the Huguenot leaders.
  • September 24 Battle of San Juan de Ulúa (Anglo-Spanish War): In the Gulf of Mexico, a Spanish fleet forces English privateers under John Hawkins to end their campaign.
  • September 29 The Swedish king Eric XIV is deposed by his half-brothers John and Charles. John proclaims himself king John III the next day.
  • October 5 William I of Orange invades the southeastern Netherlands.
  • October 20 Battle of Jodoigne: Spanish forces under the Duke of Alba destroy Orange's rearguard. Orange abandons his offensive.[39]

Date unknown

  • The Russo-Turkish War begins in Astrakhan.
  • Ashikaga Yoshiaki is installed as Shōgun, beginning the Azuchi–Momoyama period in Japan.
  • Akbar the Great of the Mughal Empire besieges and captures the massive Chittor Fort, in northern India.
  • Polybius' The Histories are first translated into English, by Christopher Watson.[40]
  • Huguenots besiege Chartres.
  • A Spanish expedition under Álvaro de Mendaña de Neira discovers the Solomon Islands.
  • Álvaro I succeeds his stepfather Henrique I as ruler of the Kingdom Kongo forming the Kwilu dynasty that ruled the kingdom without interruption until May 1622


October 3: Battle of Moncontour


  • January 11May 6 – The first recorded lottery in England is performed nonstop, at the west door of St Paul's Cathedral. Each share costs ten shillings, and proceeds are used to repair harbours, and for other public works.
  • March 13 – Battle of Jarnac: Royalist troops under Marshal Gaspard de Tavannes surprise and defeat the Huguenots under the Prince of Condé, who is captured and murdered. A substantial proportion of the Huguenot army manages to escape, under Gaspard de Coligny.[41]
  • June 10 – German Protestant troops reinforce Coligny, near Limoges.


  • July 1 – The Union of Lublin unites the Kingdom of Poland and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania into a single state, the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth, following votes in the Assemblies of three Lithuanian provinces (Volhynia, Ukraine and Podlasie) in favour of the incorporation.
  • July–September – Huguenot forces under Coligny and 15-year-old Prince Henry of Navarre besiege Poitiers.
  • August 2Burma invades Siam and captures Ayutthaya. Siam becomes a vassal of Burma.
  • August 24 – Battle of Orthez: Huguenot forces under Gabriel, comte de Montgomery defeat Royalist forces under General Terride, in French Navarre. Catholics surrender under the condition that their lives will be spared. Huguenots agree, but then massacre the Catholics anyway.[42]
  • September – A Royalist army under the Duc d'Anjou and Marshal Tavannes forces Coligny to abandon the siege of Poitiers.
  • September 28 – First complete printed Bible in Spanish translation (La Biblia), made by Casiodoro de Reina, published in Basel.[43][44]
  • October 3 – Battle of Moncontour: The Royalist forces of Tavannaes and Anjou defeat Coligny's Huguenots.
  • November–December – Rising of the North in England: Three northern earls lead a rebellion against Queen Elizabeth I, in an attempt to place the Catholic Mary, Queen of Scots, on the English throne, but are driven out of the country.

Dates unknown

  • The Mercator projection is first used in Gerardus Mercator's world map, Nova et Aucta Orbis Terrae Descriptio ad Usum Navigantium Emendata.[45]
  • A conspiracy with the intent to depose John III of Sweden and reinstate the imprisoned Eric XIV of Sweden on the Swedish throne is exposed in Sweden.
  • The trade compact of 1536 is renewed, exempting French merchants from Ottoman law, and allowing them to travel, buy and sell throughout the sultan's dominions, and to pay low customs duties on French imports and exports.
  • Akbar founds Fatehpur Sikri, to honor the Muslim holy man Shaikh Salim Chisti, who has foretold the birth of Akbar's son and heir, Jahangir.



Maximilien de Béthune, Duke of Sully
  • January 3 John Bois, English scholar (d. 1643)
  • January 17 Gaspard Bauhin, Swiss botanist (d. 1624)
  • January 29 Scipione Dentice, Neapolitan keyboard composer (d. 1633)
  • March 13 William Louis, Count of Nassau-Dillenburg, Dutch count (d. 1620)
  • March 29 Erekle I, Prince of Mukhrani, Georgian noble (d. 1605)
  • April 19 Count Jobst of Limburg (d. 1621)
  • May 6 Guido Pepoli, Italian Catholic cardinal (d. 1599)
  • June 25 Wilhelm Fabry, German surgeon (d. 1634)
  • June 28 Giovanni Paolo Lascaris, Italian Grand Master of the Knights Hospitaller (d. 1657)
  • July 1 Charles III de Croÿ, Belgian noble (d. 1612)
  • July 7 Margaret Clifford, Countess of Cumberland, English noblewoman and maid of honor to Elizabeth I (d. 1616)
  • August 6 Antoine Arnauld, French lawyer (d. 1619)
  • August 7 Elizabeth Báthory, Hungarian noblewoman and purported serial killer (d. 1614)[46]
  • August 10 Hieronymus Praetorius, German composer (d. 1629)[47]
  • August 19 James Crichton, Scottish polymath (d. 1582)
  • August 25 Park Jin, Korean naval commander (d. 1597)
  • September 4 Charles I, Count Palatine of Zweibrücken-Birkenfeld (d. 1600)
  • September 19 Thomas Cavendish, English naval explorer, leader of the third expedition to circumnavigate the globe (d. 1592)
  • October 10 Jacobus Arminius, Dutch theologian (d. 1609)
  • October 17 Ernest Frederick, Margrave of Baden-Durlach (d. 1604)
  • October 29 Christian I, Elector of Saxony (d. 1591)
  • November 3 Annibale Carracci, Italian painter (d. 1609)
  • November 22 Charles, Margrave of Burgau, German nobleman (d. 1618)
  • November 28 Baltasar Marradas, Count of Spain (d. 1638)
  • December 3 Jan Gruter, Dutch critic and scholar (d. 1627)
  • December 13 Maximilien de Béthune, Duke of Sully, 2nd Prime Minister of France (d. 1641)
  • December 28 Samuel Sandys, English politician (d. 1623)
  • December 29 Wolfgang Ernst I of Isenburg-Büdingen-Birstein, German count (d. 1633)
  • date unknown
    • Felice Anerio, Italian composer (d. 1614)
    • Marco Antonio de Dominis, Dalmatian archbishop and apostate (d. 1624)
    • Amalia von Hatzfeld, Swedish countess governor (d. 1628)
    • Lieven de Key, Dutch architect (d. 1627)
    • Ishida Mitsunari, Japanese samurai (d. 1600)
    • Hugh Myddelton, Welsh businessman (d. 1631)[48]
    • Anton Praetorius, German pastor (d. 1613)
  • probable
    • Jan Karol Chodkiewicz, Polish military commander (d. 1621)
    • Adam Haslmayr, Tyrolean commentator on Rosicrucian manifestos (d. 1630)
    • Ketevan the Martyr, Georgian queen and saint (d. 1624)
    • Marietta Robusti, Venetian Renaissance painter (d. 1590)


Fujiwara Seika
  • January 1 Thomas Walsingham, English literary patron (d. 1630)
  • January 6 Thomas Fincke, Danish mathematician and physicist (d. 1656)
  • January 22 Sir Francis Bacon, English philosopher, scientist, and statesman (d. 1626)[49]
  • January 24 Camillo Cortellini, Italian composer (d. 1630)
  • February 1 Henry Briggs, British mathematician (d. 1630)
  • February 8 Fujiwara Seika, Japanese philosopher (d. 1619)
  • February 15 Johannetta of Sayn-Wittgenstein, German noblewoman (d. 1622)
  • February 25 Edward Talbot, 8th Earl of Shrewsbury, English politician and earl (d. 1617)
  • March 9 Archduke Wenceslaus of Austria, Archduke of Austria (d. 1578)
  • March 29 Santorio Santorio, Italian biologist (d. 1636)
  • April 8
    • Thiri Thudhamma Yaza of Martaban, Viceroy of Martaban (d. 1584)
    • Dominicus Baudius, Dutch historian and poet (d. 1613)
  • June Samuel Harsnett, Archbishop of York (d. 1631)
  • June 7 John VII, Count of Nassau-Siegen (d. 1623)
  • June 12 Anna of Württemberg, German princess (d. 1616)
  • June 13 Anna Maria of Anhalt, German noblewoman (d. 1605)
  • June 20 (bapt.) Richard Whitbourne, English colonist of Newfoundland (d. 1635)
  • June 24 Matthias Hafenreffer, German Lutheran theologian (d. 1619)
  • June 26 Erdmuthe of Brandenburg, Duchess of Pomerania-Stettin (d. 1623)
  • July 2 Christoph Grienberger, Austrian astronomer (d. 1636)
  • July 11 Luís de Góngora y Argote, Spanish poet (d. 1627)
  • July 17 Jacopo Corsi, Italian composer (d. 1602)
  • July 24 Maria of the Palatinate-Simmern, Duchess consort of Södermanland (1579-1589) (d. 1589)
  • August 14 Christopher Heydon, English politician (d. 1623)
  • August 20 Jacopo Peri, Italian composer (d. 1633)
  • August 24
    • Thomas Howard, 1st Earl of Suffolk (d. 1626)[50]
    • Bartholomaeus Pitiscus, German astronomer and mathematician (d. 1613)
  • August 25 Philippe van Lansberge, Dutch astronomer (d. 1632)
  • September 1 Gervase Helwys, English murderer (d. 1615)
  • September 3 Yi Eokgi, Korean admiral (d. 1597)
  • September 10 Hernando Arias de Saavedra, Spanish colonial governor (d. 1634)
  • September 21 Edward Seymour, Viscount Beauchamp, son of Edward Seymour Sr. (d. 1612)
  • September 28 Roland Lytton, English politician (d. 1615)
  • September 29 Adriaan van Roomen, Belgian mathematician (d. 1615)
  • October 11 (bapt.) Thomas Lake, English Secretary of State to King James I (d. 1630)
  • October 15 Richard Field, English cathedral dean (d. 1616)
  • October 24 Anthony Babington, English criminal (d. 1586)
  • October 27 Mary Sidney, English writer, patroness and translator (d. 1621)[51]
  • November 1 Francesco Usper, Italian composer (d. 1641)
  • November 16 Andreas Angelus, German pastor, teacher, chronicler of the Mark of Brandenburg (d. 1598)
  • December 1 Sophie Hedwig of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel, duchess consort of Pomerania-Wolgast (1577-1592) (d. 1631)
  • December 7 Kikkawa Hiroie, Japanese politician (d. 1625)
  • December 9 Edwin Sandys, English founder of the colony of Virginia (d. 1629)
  • December 16 Amandus Polanus, German theologian of early Reformed orthodoxy (d. 1610)
  • date unknown Stephen Bachiler, non-conformist minister and pioneer settler of New England (d. 1656)


Xu Guangqi
  • January Edward Blount, English publisher (d. 1632)
  • January 12 Charles Emmanuel I, Duke of Savoy (d. 1630)[52]
  • January 13 Mark Alexander Boyd, Scottish poet and soldier of fortune (d. 1601)
  • January 20
    • Maria of Hanau-Münzenberg, German noblewoman (d. 1605)
    • Ottavio Rinuccini, Italian composer (d. 1621)[53]
  • February 15
    • Rascas de Bagarris, French scholar (d. 1620)
    • Maeda Toshinaga, Japanese daimyō (noble) (d. 1614)
  • March 27 Jacob Gretser, German Jesuit writer (d. 1625)
  • April or May Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck, Dutch composer (d. 1621)
  • April 21 Valerius Herberger, German theologian (d. 1627)
  • April 24 Xu Guangqi, Ming Dynasty Chinese politician, agronomist, astronomer, mathematician and lay Catholic leader (d. 1633)
  • April 25 Friedrich Wilhelm I, Duke of Saxe-Weimar, German noble (d. 1602)
  • May 6 Pietro Bernini, Italian sculptor (d. 1629)
  • May 26 James III, Margrave of Baden-Hachberg (d. 1590)
  • May 28 John William, Duke of Jülich-Cleves-Berg (d. 1609)
  • June 24 Duke François de Joyeuse, French churchman and politician (d. 1615)
  • June 26 Anne of Ostfriesland, German noble, Electress Palatine (d. 1621)
  • July 25 Katō Kiyomasa, Japanese samurai (d. 1611)
  • August 17 (bapt.) Hans Leo Hassler, German composer (d. 1612)
  • August 19 Charles II de Bourbon-Vendôme, French cardinal (d. 1594)
  • September 1 George, Count of Nassau-Dillenburg (1607-1620) and (1620-1623) (d. 1623)
  • September 21 Vincenzo Gonzaga, Duke of Mantua and Montferrat (1587-1612) (d. 1612)
  • September 24 Ercole, Lord of Monaco, Monegasque noble (d. 1604)
  • October 4 Christian Sørensen Longomontanus, Danish astronomer (d. 1647)
  • October 19 George Abbot, Archbishop of Canterbury (d. 1633)
  • November 25 Lope de Vega, Spanish poet and dramatist (d. 1635)[54]
  • December 10 Roger de Saint-Lary de Termes, French noble (d. 1646)
  • December 14 Sir Lionel Tollemache, 1st Baronet, English baronet (d. 1621)
  • December 18 Philipp Dulichius, German composer (d. 1631)
  • date unknown
    • Isabella Andreini, Italian actress (d. 1604)
    • John Bull, English composer (d. 1628)
    • Henry Constable, English poet (d. 1613)
    • Samuel Daniel, English poet and historian (d. 1619)
    • Francis Godwin, English writer and bishop (d. 1633)
    • George Gordon, 1st Marquess of Huntly, Scottish noble (d. 1636)
    • Natsuka Masaie, Japanese daimyō (noble) (d. 1600)
    • Paulo Miki, Japanese Catholic saint and martyr (d. 1597)
    • Richard Neile, English bishop (d. 1640)
    • Henry Spelman, English antiquary (d. 1641)
    • Cornelis van Haarlem, Dutch painter (d. 1638)


Saint Francis Caracciolo
  • January Penelope Blount, Countess of Devonshire, English noblewoman (d. 1607)
  • January 6
    • Johann Christoph von Westerstetten, German bishop (d. 1637)
    • Martin Becanus, Belgian Jesuit priest (d. 1624)
  • January 19 Leonhard Hutter, German theologian (d. 1616)
  • January 29 William Slingsby, English army officer (d. 1634)
  • January 30 Franciscus Gomarus, Dutch theologian (d. 1641)
  • March 5 John Coke, English politician (d. 1644)
  • March 29 Sir Miles Sandys, 1st Baronet, English politician (d. 1645)
  • April 15 Guru Arjan Dev, fifth Sikh leader (d. 1606)
  • May 9 Frederick IV of Fürstenberg, German noble (d. 1617)
  • June 1 Robert Cecil, 1st Earl of Salisbury, English statesman and spymaster (d. 1612)
  • June 4 George Heriot, Scottish goldsmith and philanthropist (d. 1624)
  • July 19 Lamoral, 1st Prince of Ligne (d. 1624)
  • September 4 Wanli Emperor of China (d. 1620)
  • September 15 Elisabeth of Anhalt-Zerbst, Electress of Brandenburg (d. 1607)
  • September 18 Agnes of Limburg-Styrum, Abbess of Elten, Vreden, Borghorst and Freckenhorst (d. 1645)
  • September 21 Henri, Duke of Joyeuse, French general (d. 1608)
  • September 27 Thomas Freke, English politician (d. 1633)
  • September 30 Enno III, Count of East Frisia, Count of Ostfriesland from 1599 to 1625 from the Cirksena family (d. 1625)
  • October 4 Dorothea of Saxony, Duchess of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel (d. 1587)
  • October 13 Francis Caracciolo, Italian Catholic priest (d. 1608)
  • October 14 Jodocus Hondius, Flemish artist (d. 1633)
  • October 28 Berlinghiero Gessi, Italian Catholic cardinal (d. 1639)
  • October 30 Sophie of Brunswick-Lüneburg, Margrave of Brandenburg-Ansbach and Brandenburg-Kulmbach, Duchess of Hunters Village (d. 1639)
  • November 5 Countess Anna of Nassau (d. 1588)
  • November 8 Henry II, Duke of Lorraine (d. 1624)
  • November 19 Robert Sidney, 1st Earl of Leicester, English statesman (d. 1626)
  • November 20 Sophie of Württemberg, German noble (d. 1590)
  • November 28 Hosokawa Tadaoki, Japanese daimyō (d. 1646)
  • December 2 Mutio Vitelleschi, Italian Superior General of the Society of Jesus (d. 1645)
  • December 19 Lord William Howard, English nobleman (d. 1640)
  • December 20 Juan Fernandez Pacheco, 5th Duke of Escalona, Spanish noble and diplomat (d. 1615)
  • date unknown
    • Charles Blount, 1st Earl of Devonshire (d. 1606)
    • Louise Bourgeois Boursier, French Royal midwife (d. 1636)
    • John Dowland, English composer (d. 1626)[55]
    • Michael Drayton, English poet (d. 1631)[56]
    • Scipione Gentili, Italian legal scholar (d. 1616)
    • Anna Guarini, Italian virtuoso singer (d. 1598)
    • Hosokawa Gracia, Japanese noblewoman (d. 1600)
    • Heo Nanseolheon, Korean poet (d. 1589)
    • Marcin Kazanowski, Polish nobleman (d. 1636)
    • Zygmunt Kazanowski, Polish nobleman (d. 1634)
    • Robert Naunton, English politician and writer (d. 1635)
    • Pedro Fernandes de Queirós, Portuguese seaman and explorer (d. 1614)
    • Joshua Sylvester, English poet (d. 1618)
    • Jean Titelouze, French organist and composer (d.1633)
    • Yi Su-gwang, Korean scholar (d. 1628)


  • January 1 Šurhaci, Chinese prince (d. 1611)
  • February 15 Galileo Galilei, Italian astronomer and physicist (d. 1642)[57]
  • February 26 (baptized) Christopher Marlowe, English dramatist and poet (d. 1593)[58]
  • March 7 Pierre Coton, French Jesuit and royal confessor (d. 1626)
  • March 9 David Fabricius, Frisian astronomer (d. 1617)[59]
  • March 15 William Augustus, Duke of Brunswick-Harburg (d. 1642)
  • March 20 Thomas Morton, English bishop (d. 1659)
  • April 2 William Bathe, Irish Jesuit priest (d. 1614)
  • April 26 (baptized) William Shakespeare, English dramatist and poet (d. 1616)[60]
  • April 27 Henry Percy, 9th Earl of Northumberland (d. 1632)
  • April 30 Francis Hay, 9th Earl of Erroll, Scottish noble (d. 1631)
  • May 27 Margherita Gonzaga, Duchess of Ferrara, Italian noble, patron of the arts (d. 1618)
  • June 11 Joseph Heintz the Elder, Swiss artist (d. 1609)
  • June 12 John Casimir, Duke of Saxe-Coburg (d. 1633)
  • June 28 Cort Aslakssøn, Norwegian astronomer (d. 1624)
  • July 6 Johanna Sibylla of Hanau-Lichtenberg, Countess consort of Wied-Runkel and Isenburg (d. 1636)
  • August 18 Federico Borromeo, Cardinal Archbishop of Milan (d. 1631)
  • August 24 Patrick Forbes, bishop in the Church of Scotland (d. 1635)
  • September 13 Vincenzo Giustiniani, Italian banker and art collector (d. 1637)
  • September 24 William Adams, English navigator and samurai (d. 1620)[61]
  • September 25 Magnus Brahe, Swedish noble (d. 1633)
  • September 28 Sibylla of Anhalt, Duchess consort of Württemberg (1593-1608). (d. 1614)
  • October 15 Henry Julius, Duke of Brunswick-Lüneburg (1589-1613) (d. 1613)
  • October 26 Hans Leo Hassler, German composer and organist (d. 1612)
  • November 3 (baptized) Francisco Pacheco, Spanish artist (d. 1644)
  • November 11 Martinus Smiglecius, Polish philosopher (d. 1618)
  • November 22 Henry Brooke, 11th Baron Cobham, English peer and traitor (d. 1618)
  • November 24 Joseph Gaultier de la Vallette, French astronomer (d. 1647)
  • December 25
    • Johannes Buxtorf, German Calvinist theologian (d. 1629)
    • Nicolaus Mulerius, Dutch astronomer and medical academic (d. 1630)
  • December 31 Ernest II, Duke of Brunswick-Lüneburg, German ruler (d. 1611)
  • approximate date Xue Susu, Chinese artist
  • date unknown
    • Pieter Brueghel the Younger, Flemish painter (d. 1638)
    • Daniel Chamier, French minister of religion (d. 1621)
    • Kryštof Harant z Polžic a Bezdružic, Bohemian composer and Protestant rebel (d. 1621)
    • Pedro Páez, Spanish Jesuit missionary to Ethiopia (d. 1622)
    • Thomas Shirley, English privateer (d. c.1634)
  • probable
    • Henry Chettle, English dramatist (d. 1607)


Robert Devereux, 2nd Earl of Essex
  • January 17 Mariana Navarro de Guevarra Romero, Spanish Roman Catholic nun, member of the Mercedarian Tertiaries (d. 1624)
  • February 13 Willem Baudartius, Dutch theologian (d. 1640)
  • March 23 Eilhard Lubinus, German theologian (d. 1621)
  • April 2 Cornelis de Houtman, Dutch explorer (d. 1599)
  • April 3 Anna III, Abbess of Quedlinburg (d. 1601)
  • May 15 Hendrick de Keyser, Dutch sculptor and architect born in Utrecht (d. 1621)
  • June 2 Francisco Ribalta, Spanish painter (d. 1628)
  • July 6 Hugh Hamersley, Lord Mayor of London, 1627–1628 (d. 1636)
  • August 5 - Paola Massarenghi, Italian composer (d. unknown)
  • August 9 Louis II, Count of Nassau-Weilburg (d. 1627)
  • August 16 Christina, Grand Duchess of Tuscany (d. 1637)
  • August 20 Margaretha van Valckenburch, Dutch shipowner, only female member of the VOC (d. 1650)
  • August 29 Agostino Ciampelli, Italian painter (d. 1630)
  • September 17 Edward Fortunatus, German nobleman (d. 1600)
  • September 28 Alessandro Tassoni, Italian poet and writer (d. 1635)[62]
  • October 6 Marie de Gournay, French writer (d. 1645)
  • October 12 Ippolito Galantini, Italian founder of the Congregation of Christian Doctrine of Florence (d. 1619)
  • October 22 Benedikt Carpzov the elder, German legal scholar (d. 1624)
  • November 10
    • Robert Devereux, 2nd Earl of Essex, English nobleman and politician (d. 1601)[63]
    • Laurentius Paulinus Gothus, Swedish theologian and astronomer (d. 1646)
  • November 14 Petrus Bertius, Flemish theologian and scientist (d. 1629)
  • December 2 Toby Caulfeild, 1st Baron Caulfeild, Northern Irish politician (d. 1627)
  • date unknown
    • Reza Abbasi, Persian painter and calligrapher (d. 1635)
    • Gregor Aichinger, German composer (d. 1628)
    • Ferdinando Gorges, English colonial entrepreneur (d. 1647)
    • John Davies of Hereford, Welsh poet (d. 1618)
    • George Kirbye, English composer (d. 1634)
    • Duarte Lobo, Portuguese composer (d. 1646)
    • Francis Meres, English churchman and author (d. 1647)
    • María Pita, Spanish heroine (d. 1643)
    • John Spottiswoode, Archbishop of St. Andrews (d. 1639)
    • Francis Tanfield, English governor of the South Falkland colony
    • Edmund Whitelocke, English soldier and courtier (d. 1608)


Sultan Mehmed III
Sigrid of Sweden


Jacob van Heemskerk
Infanta Catherine Michelle of Spain
  • January 1 Fabio Colonna, Italian scientist (d. 1640)
  • January 4 François d'Aguilon, Belgian Jesuit mathematician (d. 1617)
  • January 12 Jan Szczęsny Herburt, Polish political writer (d. 1616)
  • January 25 Archduchess Margaret of Austria (d. 1633)
  • January 27 Anna Maria of Hesse-Kassel, Countess Consort of Nassau-Saarbrücke (d. 1626)
  • February 3 Anna Maria of Brandenburg, Duchess Consort of Pomerania (d. 1618)
  • February 12 Thomas Campion, English poet and composer (d. 1620)[66]
  • February 23 Elisabeth of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel, Countess of Holstein-Schauenburg and Duchess Consort of Brunswick-Harburg (d. 1618)
  • February 24 Jindřich Matyáš Thurn, Swedish general (d. 1640)
  • February 27 William Alabaster, English poet (d. 1640)
  • March 13 (bapt.) Jacob van Heemskerk, Dutch admiral and explorer (d. 1607)
  • March 17 Akizuki Tanenaga, Japanese samurai and soldier (d. 1614)
  • April 10 John Louis I, Count of Nassau-Wiesbaden-Idstein, Germany noble (d. 1596)
  • April 26 Nicolas Formé, French composer (d. 1638)
  • May 2 Sebald de Weert, Dutch captain, vice-admiral of the Dutch East India Company (d. 1603)
  • May 9 John George I, Prince of Anhalt-Dessau (1603–1618) (d. 1618)
  • May 13 Don Giovanni de' Medici, Italian military commander and diplomat (d. 1621)
  • May 15 Claudio Monteverdi, Italian composer (d. 1643)
  • June 25 Jacob Ulfeldt, Danish politician (d. 1630)
  • August 14 Luigi Caponaro, Italian healer (d. 1622)
  • August 15 Philip III, Margrave of Baden-Rodemachern (1588–1620) (d. 1620)
  • August 21 Francis de Sales, Savoyard Bishop of Geneva and saint (d. 1622)
  • September Edward Sutton, 5th Baron Dudley, English landowner (d. 1643)
  • September 2 György Thurzó, Palatine of Hungary (d. 1616)
  • September 5 Date Masamune, Japanese daimyō (d. 1636)
  • September 24 Martin Fréminet, French painter (d. 1619)
  • October 10 Infanta Catherine Michelle of Spain (d. 1597)
  • November
    • Thomas Nashe, English poet (d. 1600)
    • Minye Kyawswa II of Ava, last crown prince of the Toungoo Empire (Burma) (d. 1599)
  • November 1 Diego Sarmiento de Acuña, 1st Count of Gondomar, Spanish diplomat (d. 1626)
  • November 7 Margherita Farnese, Benedictine nun (d. 1643)
  • November 14 Maurice of Nassau, Prince of Orange (d. 1625)
  • November 16 Anna of Saxony, German noblewoman (d. 1613)
  • November 21 Anne de Xainctonge, French religious (d. 1621)
  • December 15 Christoph Demantius, German composer (d. 1643)
  • December 18
    • Cornelius a Lapide, Jesuit exegete (d. 1637)
    • Tachibana Muneshige, Japanese samurai and soldier (d. 1643)
  • date unknown
    • Valens Acidalius, German critic and poet (d. 1595)
    • Isabel Barreto, Spanish admiral (d. 1612)
    • Pierre Biard, French settler and Jesuit missionary (d. 1622)
    • Adriaen Block, Dutch fur trader and navigator (d. 1624)
    • Jacques Clément, French assassin of Henry III of France (d. 1589)
    • Arima Harunobu, Japanese Christian daimyō (d. 1612)
    • John Parkinson, English herbalist and botanist (d. 1650)
    • Willem Schouten, Dutch navigator (d. 1625)
    • Torii Tadamasa, Japanese nobleman (d. 1628)
    • Sanada Yukimura, Japanese samurai and soldier (d. 1615)
    • Ban Naoyuki, Japanese samurai and soldier (d. 1615)


  • January 6 Henri Spondanus, French historian (d. 1643)
  • January 14 Johannes Hartmann, German chemist (d. 1631)
  • January 20 Daniel Cramer, German theologian (d. 1637)
  • January 28 Gustav of Sweden, Swedish prince (d. 1607)
  • January 30 Countess Katharina of Hanau-Lichtenberg (d. 1636)
  • February 2 Péter Révay, Hungarian historian (d. 1622)
  • February 11 Honoré d'Urfé, French writer (d. 1625)
  • March 9 Aloysius Gonzaga, Italian Jesuit and saint (d. 1591)
  • March 16 Juan Martínez Montañés, Spanish sculptor (d. 1649)
  • March 28 Johannes Polyander, Dutch theologian (d. 1646)
  • March 30 Henry Wotton, English author and diplomat (d. 1639)
  • April 5 Pope Urban VIII (d. 1644)
  • April 17 George Brooke, English aristocrat (d. 1603)
  • April 21 Frederick II, Duke of Holstein-Gottorp (d. 1587)
  • April 28 Teodósio II, Duke of Braganza, Portuguese nobleman and father of João IV of Portugal (d. 1630)
  • May 9 Guglielmo Caccia, Italian painter (d. 1625)
  • May 11 Christian I, Prince of Anhalt-Bernburg, German prince of the House of Ascania (d. 1630)
  • May 17 Anna Vasa of Sweden, Swedish princess (d. 1625)
  • May 29 Virginia de' Medici, Duchess of Modena and Reggio (d. 1615)
  • June 6 Sophie of Brandenburg, Regent of Saxony (1591–1601) (d. 1622)
  • June 25 Gunilla Bielke, Queen of Sweden (d. 1597)
  • July 1 Philip Sigismund of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel, German Catholic bishop (d. 1623)
  • August 27 Hercule, Duke of Montbazon (d. 1654)
  • September 3 Adriano Banchieri, Italian composer (d. 1634)
  • September 5 Tommaso Campanella, Italian theologian and poet (d. 1639)[67]
  • October 2 Marino Ghetaldi, Croatian mathematician and physicist (d. 1626)
  • October 18 Henry Wallop, English politician (d. 1642)
  • November 18 Augustus the Elder, Duke of Brunswick-Lüneburg, Lutheran Bishop of Ratzeburg (d. 1636)
  • December 17 Jonathan Trelawny, English politician (d. 1604)
  • December 25 John Guy, English merchant venturer and first Governor of Newfoundland (d. 1629)
  • date unknown
    • Nikolaus Ager, French botanist (d. 1634)
    • John Welsh of Ayr, Scottish Presbyterian leader
    • Barnabe Barnes, English poet (d. 1609)
    • Edward Chichester, 1st Viscount Chichester (d. 1648)
    • Nakagawa Hidemasa, Japanese military leader (d. 1592)
    • Fernando de Alva Cortés Ixtlilxóchitl, Mexican historian (d. 1648)
    • Gervase Markham, English poet and writer (d. 1637)
    • Edward Somerset, 4th Earl of Worcester (d. 1628)
    • Robert Wintour, English conspirator (executed 1606)
    • Wei Zhongxian, Grand Secretary of China (d. 1627)
    • Ōtsu Ono, Japanese woman poet, koto, and writer (believed to have learned how to write from Nobutada Konoe) (d. 1568)


Giambattista Marino
  • January 20 – Heribert Rosweyde, Jesuit hagiographer (d. 1629)
  • January 22 – Lucio Massari, Italian painter (d. 1633)
  • February 13 – Johann Reinhard I, Count of Hanau-Lichtenberg (d. 1625)
  • March 28 – Ranuccio I Farnese, Duke of Parma (d. 1622)
  • April 10 – Countess Emilia of Nassau, German countess (d. 1629)
  • April 15 – Joan Shakespeare, William Shakespeare's sister (d. 1646)
  • April 16 – John Davies, English poet and lawyer (d. 1626)
  • May 20 – Juan de la Cerda, 6th Duke of Medinaceli, Spanish noble (d. 1607)
  • June 1 – Sophia of Holstein-Gottorp, Regent of Mecklenburg-Schwerin (1603–1608) (d. 1634)
  • June 30 – Hedwig of Hesse-Kassel, countess consort of Schaumburg (d. 1644)
  • July 3 – Thomas Richardson, English politician and judge (d. 1635)
  • July 19 – Conrad Vorstius, Dutch theologian (d. 1622)
  • July 30 – Karl I, Prince of Liechtenstein (d. 1627)
  • August 31Jahangir, Mughal emperor (d. 1627)[68]
  • September – Arthur Lake, English bishop, a translator of the King James Bible (d. 1626)
  • September 5 – Georg Friedrich of Hohenlohe-Neuenstein-Weikersheim, officer and amateur poet (d. 1645)
  • September 9 – Joachim Andreas von Schlick, Czech leader (d. 1621)
  • September 23 – Tachibana Ginchiyo, female samurai leader of the Tachibana clan in Japan (d. 1602)
  • September 24 – Ernst of Schaumburg, Count of Holstein-Pinneberg and Schaumburg (1601–1622) (d. 1622)
  • September 27 – John Percy, English priest (d. 1641)
  • October 13 – Claude de Bullion, French Minister of Finance (d. 1640)
  • October 14 – Giambattista Marino, Italian poet (d. 1625)
  • November 5 – Nils Turesson Bielke, Swedish politician (d. 1639)
  • November 11 – Martin Ruland the Younger, German alchemist (d. 1611)
  • November 16 – Paul Sartorius, German composer (d. 1609)
  • November 18 – Antonio Marcello Barberini, Italian cardinal and the younger brother of Maffeo Barberini (d. 1646)
  • November 24 – Francis Ashley, English politician (d. 1635)
  • December 15 – Muzio Oddi, Italian mathematician (d. 1639)
  • December 18 – Jakob Hassler, German composer (d. 1622)
  • December 22 – Étienne Martellange, French architect (d. 1641)
  • December 31 – Anna de' Medici, Tuscan princess (d. 1584)
  • date unknown
    • Guillén de Castro y Bellvis, Spanish dramatist (d. 1631)
    • Tobias Hume, English composer (d. 1645)
    • William Monson, British admiral (d. 1643)
    • Frans Pourbus the Younger, Flemish painter (d. 1622)
    • John Suckling, English politician (d. 1627)
    • Yodo-dono, Japanese concubine of Toyotomi Hideyoshi (d. 1615)




Ridolfo Ghirlandaio
  • January 9 Amago Haruhisa, Japanese samurai and warlord (b. 1514)
  • January 13 Frederick Magnus I, Count of Solms-Laubach, (b. 1521)
  • January 31
    • Menno Simons, Anabaptist religious leader and Mennonite founder (b. 1496)
    • Bairam Khan, Turkoman noble and poet (assassinated)
  • February 13 Francis I, Duke of Nevers (b. 1516)
  • February 26 Jorge de Montemor, Spanish writer (b. 1520)
  • March 6 Gonçalo da Silveira, Portuguese Jesuit missionary (b. 1526)
  • March 24 Giulio d'Este, illegitimate son of Italian noble (b. 1478)
  • March 25 Conrad Lycosthenes, humanist and encyclopedist (b. 1518)
  • March 28 Bartholomeus V. Welser, German banker (b. 1484)
  • April 9 Jean Quintin, French priest, knight and writer (b. 1500)[76]
  • May 4 Karl I, Prince of Anhalt-Zerbst, German prince (b. 1534)
  • May 16 Jan Tarnowski, Polish noble (b. 1488)
  • June 23 Saitō Yoshitatsu, Japanese daimyō (b. 1527)
  • June 6 Ridolfo Ghirlandaio, Italian painter (b. 1483)
  • July 9 Sebald Heyden, German musicologist and theologian (b. 1499)
  • July 19 Henry Lauder, Lord St Germains, Lord Advocate of Scotland
  • September 1 Edward Waldegrave, English politician and recusant
  • September 25 Sehzade Bayezid, Ottoman Prince (b. 1525)
  • October 27 Lope de Aguirre, Basque rebel and conquistador (b. 1510)
  • November 7 Jeanne de Jussie, Swiss nun and writer (b. 1503)
  • November 11 Hans Tausen, Danish reformer (b. 1494)
  • December 6 Joachim I, Prince of Anhalt-Dessau, German prince (b. 1509)
  • December 10 Caspar Schwenckfeld, German theologian
  • date unknown
    • Marie Dentière, Genevan Protestant reformer and theologian (b. 1495)
    • Claude Garamond, French publisher (b. 1480)
    • Ijuin Tadaaki, Japanese noble (b. 1520)
  • probable Luis de Milán, Spanish composer (b. 1500)


Peter Martyr Vermigli
Cornelis Aerentsz van der Dussen by Jan van Scorel Panel, Weiss Gallery, London
  • January Prince Ilie II Rareş of Moldavia (b. 1531)
  • January 25 Charles Wriothesley, English officer of arms (b. 1508)
  • February 3 Georg Giese, German merchant (b. 1497)
  • May 4 Lelio Sozzini, Italian Protestant theologian (b. 1525)
  • July 1 Wilhelm IV of Eberstein, German President of the Reichskammergericht (b. 1497)
  • July 4 Johann Hommel, German astronomer and mathematician (b. 1518)
  • July 23 Götz von Berlichingen, German knight and mercenary (b. 1480)
  • September 5 Katharina Zell, German Protestant reformer (b. 1497)
  • October George Gordon, 4th Earl of Huntly (b. 1514)
  • October 9 Gabriele Falloppio, Italian anatomist (b. 1523)[77]
  • October 13 Claudin de Sermisy, French composer (b. 1495)
  • October 18 Anne d'Alençon, French noblewoman (b. 1492)
  • November 7 Maldeo Rathore, Rao of Marwar (b. 1511)
  • November 12 Pietro Martire Vermigli, Italian theologian (b. 1500)
  • November 17 Antoine de Bourbon, father of Henry IV of France (b. 1518)
  • November 20 Giovanni de' Medici, Italian Catholic cardinal (b. 1544)
  • December 6
    • Jan van Scorel, Dutch painter (b. 1495)
    • Garzia de' Medici, Italian noble (b. 1547)
  • December 7 Adrian Willaert, Flemish composer (b. c. 1490)
  • December 13 Francesco Marinoni, Italian Catholic priest (b. 1490)
  • December 17 Eleonora di Toledo, Grand Duchess of Tuscany (b. 1522)
  • December 27 Joachim of Münsterberg-Oels, Duke of Münsterberg, Duke of Oels, Count of Kladsko, Bishop of Brandenburg (b. 1503)
  • date unknown
    • Cristóbal de Guzmán Cecetzin, Tlatoani of Tenochtitlan and Governor of San Juan Tenochtitlan
    • Matteo Bandello, Italian novelist (b. 1480)
    • Nicholas Grimald, English poet and theologian (b. 1519)


Sebastian Castellio
  • January 4 Elisabeth of Hesse, Countess Palatine of Zweibrücken, later Countess Palatine of Simmern (b. 1503)
  • February 1 Emperor Menas of Ethiopia (fever) (b. 1559)[78]
  • February 4 Wilhelm von Brandenburg, Archbishop of Riga (b. 1498)
  • February 24 Francis, Duke of Guise, French soldier and politician (shot) (b. 1519)
  • March 2 Ercole Gonzaga, Spanish Catholic cardinal (b. 1505)
  • March 17 Girolamo Seripando, Italian Catholic cardinal (b. 1493)
  • March 19 Arthur Brooke, English poet
  • March 24 Hosokawa Harumoto, Japanese military leader (b. 1514)
  • March 28 Heinrich Glarean, Swiss music theorist (b. 1488)
  • April 15 Bernhard VIII, Count of Lippe (b. 1527)
  • April 30 Henry Stafford, 1st Baron Stafford, English baron (b. 1501)
  • May 21 Martynas Mažvydas, author of the first printed book in Lithuanian (b. 1510)
  • June 9 William Paget, 1st Baron Paget, English statesman (b. 1506)
  • June 24 Prince Yuri of Uglich (b. 1532)
  • August 11 Bartolomé de Escobedo, Spanish composer (b. 1500)
  • August 18 Étienne de La Boétie, French judge and writer (b. 1530)
  • August 30 Wolfgang Musculus, German theologian (b. 1497)
  • September 17 Henry Manners, 2nd Earl of Rutland, English soldier (b. 1526)
  • October 31 Anthony Kitchin, British bishop (b. 1471)
  • November
    • John Bale, English churchman (b. 1495)[79]
    • Ioan Iacob Heraclid, ruler of Moldavia (b. 1511)
  • December 1 Yi Gwang-sik, Korean politician and general (b. 1493)
  • December 29
    • Sebastian Castellio, French theologian (b. 1515)
    • Thomas Naogeorgus, German playwright (b. 1508)
  • date unknown
    • Odet de Selve, French diplomat (b. c. 1504)
    • Elizabeth Seymour, Marchioness of Winchester, English noblewoman (b. 1513)


Rani Durgavati
Luís de Velasco
Guido Ascanio Sforza di Santa Fiora
  • January 9 Margaret Howard, Duchess of Norfolk (b. 1540)
  • February 18 Michelangelo, Italian artist, architect and sculptor (b. 1475)[80]
  • February 19 Guillaume Morel, French classical scholar (b. 1505)
  • March 27 Lütfi Pasha, Albanian-born Ottoman statesman, juridical scholar and poet of slave origin (b. c.1488)
  • April Pierre Belon, French naturalist (b. 1517)
  • April 9 Georg Hartmann, German instrument maker (b. 1489)
  • May 2 Cardinal Rodolfo Pio da Carpi, Italian humanist (b. 1500)
  • May 27 John Calvin, French Protestant reformer (b. 1509)[81]
  • June 24 Rani Durgavati, Indian queen (b. 1524)
  • July 23 Eléanor de Roucy de Roye, French noble (b. 1535)
  • July 25 Ferdinand I, Holy Roman Emperor (b. 1503)[82]
  • July 31 Luís de Velasco, Viceroy of New Spain (b. 1511)
  • August 10 Miyoshi Nagayoshi, Japanese samurai and daimyō (b. 1522)
  • August 30 Duchess Sabina of Bavaria (b. 1492)
  • October 5 Pierre de Manchicourt, Flemish composer
  • October 6 Guido Ascanio Sforza di Santa Fiora, Italian Catholic cardinal (b. 1518)
  • October 15 Andreas Vesalius, Flemish anatomist (b. 1514)[83]
  • October 18 Johannes Acronius Frisius, German physician and mathematician (b. 1520)
  • December 6 Ambrosius Blarer, influential German reformer in southern Germany and north-eastern Switzerland (b. 1492)
  • date unknown
    • Isabella Losa, Spanish scholar (b. 1491)
    • Giovanni da Udine, Italian painter (b. 1487)
    • Purandara Dasa, Indian musician (b. 1484)
    • Argula von Grumbach, German Protestant reformer (b. 1490)
    • Charles Estienne, French anatomist (b. 1503)
    • Isabella de Luna, Spanish-Italian courtesan
    • Manus O'Donnell, Irish leader
  • probable Maurice Scève, French poet (b. 1500)


Diego Lainez
  • January 19 Diego Laynez, Spanish Jesuit theologian (b. 1512)
  • January 28 Francisco Cesi, Italian Catholic cardinal (b. 1500)
  • February 28 John, Duke of Münsterberg-Oels and Count of Glatz (b. 1509)
  • March 17 Alexander Ales, Scottish theologian (b. 1500)
  • c. March Lope de Rueda, Spanish dramatist (b. c. 1510)
  • April 2 Elisabeth Parr, Marchioness of Northampton, English noble (b. 1526)
  • April 27 Osanna of Cattaro, Dominican visionary and anchoress (b. 1493)
  • May 14 Nicolaus von Amsdorf, German Protestant reformer (b. 1483)
  • May 5 Queen Munjeong, Korean queen (b. 1501)
  • May 28 Mikołaj "the Black" Radziwiłł, Polish magnate (b. 1515)
  • June 12 Adrianus Turnebus, French classical scholar (b. 1512)
  • June 17 Ashikaga Yoshiteru, Japanese shogun (b. 1536)
  • June 19 Wolfgang Lazius, Austrian historian (b. 1514)
  • June 23 Turgut Reis, Ottoman naval commander (b. 1485)
  • July 18 Kat Ashley, governess of Elizabeth I of England
  • August Jacques Buus, Flemish composer and organist (b. 1500)
  • August 29 Alfonso Carafa, Italian cardinal (b. 1540)
  • June 25 Herluf Trolle, Danish Admiral of the Fleet and co-founder of Herlufsholm School (b. 1516)
  • September 13 William Farel, French evangelist (b. 1489)
  • September 20 Cipriano de Rore, Flemish composer and teacher (b. 1515)
  • October 4 Pier Paolo Vergerio, Italian reformer (b. 1498)
  • October 5 Lodovico Ferrari, Italian mathematician (b. 1522)
  • October 7 Johannes Mathesius, German theologian (b. 1504)
  • October 12 Jean Ribault, French explorer and colonizer (b. 1520)
  • October 14 Thomas Chaloner, English statesman and poet (b. 1521)
  • October 21 John Frederick III, Duke of Saxony and nominal Duke of Saxe-Gotha (b. 1538)
  • October 22 Jean, Vicomte d'Aguisy Grolier de Servieres, French bibliophile (b. 1479)
  • October 29 Ranuccio Farnese, Italian prelate (b. 1530)
  • November 2 Mechthild of Bavaria, German duchess (b. 1532)
  • November 25 Hu Zongxian, Chinese general (b. 1512)
  • December 9 Pope Pius IV (b. 1499)[84]
  • December 12 Johan Rantzau, German general (b. 1492)
  • December 13 Conrad Gessner, Swiss naturalist (b. 1516)
  • date unknown
    • Antonio Bernieri, Italian painter of the Renaissance period (b. 1516)
    • Yadegar Mokhammad of Kazan, last khan of Kazan Khanate
    • Paweł Tarło, canon of Kraków, Poland



Emperor Jiajing


Albert, Duke of Prussia
  • January 26 Lady Catherine Grey, Countess of Hertford (b. 1540)[87]
  • February 15 Hendrick van Brederode, Dutch reformer (b. 1531)
  • March 20
    • Albert, Duke of Prussia (b. 1490)
    • Anna Marie of Brunswick-Lüneburg, Duchess of Prussia (b. 1532)
  • March 19 Elizabeth Seymour, Lady Cromwell, English noblewoman (b.c. 1518))
  • May 23 Adolf of Nassau, Count of Nassau, Dutch soldier (b. 1540)
  • April 7 Onofrio Panvinio, Italian Augustinian historian (b. 1529)
  • April 27 Giovanni Michele Saraceni, Italian Catholic cardinal (b. 1498)
  • May 6 Bernardo Salviati, Italian Catholic cardinal (b. 1508)
  • May 15 Anna of Lorraine (b. 1522)
  • May 23 Jean de Ligne, Duke of Arenberg (b. 1528)
  • June 3 Andrés de Urdaneta, Spanish explorer (b. 1508)
  • June 5
    • Lamoral, Count of Egmont, Flemish statesman (b. 1522)
    • Philip de Montmorency, Count of Horn (b. c. 1524)
  • June 11 Henry V, Duke of Brunswick-Lüneburg and Prince of Wolfenbüttel 1514–1568 (b. 1489)
  • July 1 Levinus Lemnius, Dutch writer (b. 1505)
  • July 6 Johannes Oporinus, Swiss printer (b. 1507)
  • July 7 William Turner, British ornithologist and botanist (b. 1508)
  • July 24 Carlos, Prince of Asturias, son of Philip II of Spain (b. 1545)
  • August 15 Stanislaus Kostka, Polish saint (b. 1550)
  • August 21 Jean Parisot de Valette, 49th Grandmaster of the Knights Hospitaller (b. 1495)
  • August 23 Thomas Wharton, 1st Baron Wharton (b. 1495)
  • September 26 Leonor de Cisneros, Spanish Protestant (b. 1536)
  • September Anna Pehrsönernas moder, influential Swedish courtier (b. year unknown)
  • September Jöran Persson, Swedish politician (b. c. 1530) (executed)
  • October 3 Elisabeth of Valois, Queen of Philip II of Spain (b. 1545)[88]
  • October 14 Jacques Arcadelt, Flemish composer (b. 1504)
  • October 19 Joannes Aurifaber Vratislaviensis, German theologian (b. 1517)
  • October 28 Ashikaga Yoshihide, Japanese shōgun (b. 1538)
  • November 6
  • November 9 John Radcliffe, English politician (b. 1539)
    • Herman of Kazan and Svyazhsk, Archbishop of Kazan and later Metropolitan of Moscow
    • Anna of Brunswick-Lüneburg, duchess consort of Pomerania (b. 1502)
  • December 23 Roger Ascham, tutor of Elizabeth I of England (b. 1515)
  • December 24 Henry V, Burgrave of Plauen (b. 1533)
  • December 28 Christoph, Duke of Württemberg (b. 1515)
  • December 31 Shimazu Tadayoshi, Japanese warlord (b. 1493)
  • date unknown
    • Henry Sutton Dudley, English soldier and sailor (b. 1517)
    • Garcia de Orta, Portuguese Jewish physician (b. 1501)
    • Dirk Philips, early Dutch Anabaptist writer and theologian (b. 1504)
    • Yan Song, Chinese prime minister (b. 1481)
    • Amato Lusitano, Portuguese physician (b. 1511)


Saint John of Ávila
Philip II, Metropolitan of Moscow


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