
The 1550s decade ran from January 1, 1550, to December 31, 1559.

Millennium: 2nd millennium
  • Births
  • Deaths
  • By country
  • By topic
  • Establishments
  • Disestablishments
January 23, 1556: Shaanxi earthquake, devastation kills 830,000 in China.





Date unknown



  • JanuaryFebruary Macarius, Metropolitan of Moscow, and Tsar Ivan IV of Russia preside over the reforming Stoglavy Synod ("Hundred-Chapter") church council.[5] A calendar of the saints and an ecclesiastical law code (Stoglav) are introduced.
  • January 11 Ketumati, Burma, is conquered by Bayinnaung.
  • May 1 The Council of Trent reconvenes by order of Pope Julius III.[6]
  • May 12 The National University of San Marcos is founded in Lima (Peru), being the first officially established university in the Americas.


  • By July Fifth and last outbreak of sweating sickness in England. John Caius of Shrewsbury writes the first full contemporary account of the symptoms of the disease.
  • July Invasion of Gozo: Ottoman Turks and Barbary pirates invade the Mediterranean island of Gozo, enslaving all inhabitants (estimated at 5,000 to 6,000) and transporting them to Tarhuna Wa Msalata (in modern-day Libya).[7]
  • August 15 The Siege of Tripoli ends, with the Knights of Malta surrendering Tripoli to the Ottoman Empire.
  • September 21 The Royal and Pontifical University of Mexico is founded in Mexico City (Mexico), being the second officially established university in the Americas.
  • September 30 Tainei-ji incident: A coup in Yamaguchi, by the military establishment of the Ōuchi clan, forces their lord Ōuchi Yoshitaka to commit suicide, and the city is burned.
  • October 11 John Dudley, Earl of Warwick, de facto Lord Protector of the Kingdom of England, is created Duke of Northumberland.[8]

Date unknown

  • Qizilbash forces under the command of Tahmasp I raid and destroy the cave monastery of Vardzia in Georgia.
  • In Henan province, China, during the Ming dynasty, a severe frost in the spring destroys the winter wheat crop. Torrential rains in mid summer cause massive flooding of farmland and villages (by some accounts submerged in a metre of water). In the fall, a large tornado demolishes houses and flattens much of the buckwheat in the fields. Famine victims either flee, starve, or resort to cannibalism. This follows a series of natural disasters in Henan in the years 1528, 1531, 1539, and 1545.
  • In Slovakia, Guta (modern-day Kolárovo) receives town status.
  • Portugal founds a sugar colony at Bahia.
  • Juan de Betanzos begins to write his Narrative of the Incas.
  • The new edition of the Genevan psalter, Pseaumes octantetrois de David, is published, with Louis Bourgeois as supervising composer, including the first publication of the hymn tune known as the Old 100th.


Bartolomeo Eustachi completes his Tabulae anatomicae.



  • July 6July 9 In Hungary, Drégely Castle is attacked by the Ottoman Empire. Captain György Szondy and c. 140 soldiers in the castle die, after 4 days of fighting against 8,000 Turkish raiders.
  • August 2
  • September In Hungary, captain István Dobó commands the breaking of the Siege of Eger, led by Kara Ahmed Pasha of the Ottoman Empire.
  • September 24 The Debatable Lands on the border of England and Scotland are divided between the two kingdoms by a commission creating the Scots' Dike in an unsuccessful attempt to halt lawlessness here, but giving both countries their modern borders.
  • October 2 The Khanate of Kazan falls to troops of Ivan IV of Russia.

Date unknown



  • May The first Royal Charter is granted to St Albans, in England.
  • June The first of the five Battles of Kawanakajima, the "Battle of the Fuse," commences in Japan between Takeda Shingen of Kai Province and Uesugi Kenshin of Echigo Province, part of a major series of conflicts during the Japanese Sengoku Period.
  • June 26 Two new schools, Christ's Hospital[12][13] and King Edward's School, Witley, are created by Royal Charter in accordance with the will of King Edward VI of England; St Thomas' Hospital, London, in existence since the 12th century, is named in the same charter.[14]


Date unknown

  • Tonbridge School is founded by Sir Andrew Judde, under letters patent of Edward VI of England.
  • The xiii Bukes of Eneados of the famose Poete Virgill, the first complete translation of any major work of classical antiquity into one of the English languages, is published in London.
  • In Ming Dynasty China:
    • The addition of a new section of the Outer City fortifications is completed in southern Beijing, bringing the overall size of Beijing to 18 square miles (4662 hectares).
    • Shanghai is fortified for the first time.


August 2: Battle of Marciano in Tuscany.



Date unknown

  • Mikael Agricola becomes the bishop of Turku.
  • Saadi conquers the Kingdom of Fez.
  • Exact center year of Counter Reformation.
  • The name of the beer brewed by New Belgium Brewing Company is based on a recipe from this date, called "1554."
  • Luso-Chinese agreement: Portugal reaches an agreement with the Ming Dynasty of China, to be allowed to legally trade in the province of Guangdong.
  • Rao Surjan Singh becomes ruler of Bundi.




  • July 12 Pope Paul IV creates the Roman Ghetto, the first Jewish ghetto in Rome.
  • September 25 The Peace of Augsburg is signed between Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor, and the Lutheran Schmalkaldic League, establishing the principle Cuius regio, eius religio, that is, rulers within the Empire can choose the religion of their realm.
  • September The 1555 Kashmir earthquake causes widespread destruction and death in Kashmir, India.[29]
  • October 16
    • Battle of Miyajima Island: Mori Motonari defeats Sue Harukata.
    • Two of the Oxford Martyrs, Hugh Latimer and Nicholas Ridley, are burned at the stake in England.
  • October 25 Charles V abdicates as Holy Roman Emperor and is succeeded by his brother Ferdinand.

Date unknown

  • Russia breaks a 60-year-old truce with Sweden by attacking Finland.
  • Humayun resumes rule of the Mughal Empire.
  • Second Battle of Panipat: Bairam Khan defeats Hindu forces.
  • The Adal Sultanate in the Horn of Africa collapses.
  • The Muscovy Company is chartered in England to trade with Muscovy[30] and Richard Chancellor negotiates with the Tsar.
  • English captain John Lok returns from Guinea, with five Africans to train as interpreters for future trading voyages.
  • Richard Eden publishes The Decades of the Newe Worlde or West India, a translation into English of parts of Pietro Martire d'Anghiera's De orbe novo decades, the Gonzalo Fernández de Oviedo y Valdés work Natural hystoria de las Indias and others, urging his countrymen to follow the lead of Spain in exploring the New World;[31] the work includes the first recorded use in English of the country name 'China'.
  • Establishment in England of the following grammar schools: Boston Grammar School, Gresham's School at Holt, Norfolk (founded by Sir John Gresham) and Ripon Grammar School (re-foundation).
  • William Annyas becomes the Mayor of Youghal, Ireland, the first Jew to hold such a position in Ireland.[32]
  • John Dee is charged, but cleared, of treason in England.
  • Orlande de Lassus' first book of madrigals is published, in Antwerp.
  • Lorenzo de' Medici orders a violin from Andrea Amati of Cremona.




Date unknown



  • March The Takeda clan besiege Katsurayama Castle in eastern Japan. The siege ends with the last stand of the castle garrison, and the complete destruction of Katsurayama, allowing the Takeda to further expand in Shinano Province.
  • April 12 The Spanish settlement of Cuenca, Ecuador, is founded.
  • April 30 Arauco War Battle of Mataquito: Spanish forces of Governor Francisco de Villagra launch a dawn surprise attack against the Mapuche (headed by their toqui Lautaro), in present-day Chile.
  • By June The 1557 influenza pandemic has spread, probably from China, to Europe.
  • June 7 Mary I of England joins her husband Philip II of Spain, in his war against France.
  • June 10 The New Testament of the Geneva Bible, a Protestant Bible translation into English (produced under the supervision of William Whittingham, and printed in Roman type), is published in Geneva.


  • August 10 Battle of St. Quentin: French forces under Marshal Anne de Montmorency are decisively defeated by the Spanish and English under Duke Emanuel Philibert of Savoy. Montmorency himself is captured, but Philip II refuses to press his advantage, and withdraws to the Netherlands.
  • September 11October 8 The Colloquy of Worms convenes.
  • October 23 Mohammed al-Shaykh is assassinated.
  • October 27 Emperor Ōgimachi accedes to the throne of Japan.

Date unknown

  • Özdemir Pasha conquers the Red Sea port of Massawa for the Ottoman Empire.
  • Cossack chieftain Dimitrash tries to take Azov.
  • With the permission of the Ming dynasty government of China, and for the benefit of both Western and Eastern merchants, the Portuguese settle in Macau (retroceded in 1999). Direct Sino-Portuguese trade has existed since 1513, but this is the first official legal treaty port on traditional Chinese soil, that will form a long-term Western settlement.
  • Spain becomes bankrupt, throwing the German banking houses into chaos.[35]
  • Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge, is refounded by John Caius.[36]
  • The following schools are founded in England:
    • Brentwood School, Essex, by Sir Antony Browne.
    • Hampton School, Hampton, London, by Robert Hammond.
    • Repton School, by Sir John Port.
  • Welsh-born mathematician Robert Recorde publishes The Whetstone of Witte in London, containing the first recorded use of the equals sign and also the first use in English of plus and minus signs.[37]
  • German adventurer Hans Staden publishes a widely translated account of his detention by the Tupí people of Brazil, Warhaftige Historia und beschreibung eyner Landtschafft der Wilden Nacketen, Grimmigen Menschfresser-Leuthen in der Newenwelt America gelegen ("True Story and Description of a Country of Wild, Naked, Grim, Man-eating People in the New World, America").





  • John Knox's attack on female rulers, The First Blast of the Trumpet Against the Monstruous Regiment of Women, is published anonymously from Geneva.[39]
  • English explorer Anthony Jenkinson travels from Moscow to Astrakhan and Bukhara.[40] He is the first Englishman to note that the Amu Darya changed course, to start flowing into the Aral Sea.[41]
  • Queen Elizabeth I of England grants rest and refreshment to pilgrims and travellers who pass by the Holy Well Spring at Malvern in England.


  • 1557 influenza pandemic.



  • January 15 Elizabeth I of England is crowned, in Westminster Abbey.[42]
  • February 27 Queen Elizabeth I of England establishes the Church of England, with the Act of Uniformity 1558 and the Act of Supremacy 1558. The Oath of Supremacy is reinstated.
  • March 23 Emperor Gelawdewos of Ethiopia, defending his lands against the invasion of Nur ibn Mujahid, Sultan of Harar, is killed in battle. His brother, Menas, succeeds him as king.
  • April 23 Peace of Cateau Cambrésis: France makes peace with England and Spain, ending the Italian War of 1551–59. France gives up most of its gains in Italy (including Savoy), retaining only Saluzzo, but keeps the three Lorraine bishoprics of Metz, Toul, and Verdun, and the formerly English town of Calais.
  • May 2 John Knox returns from exile to Scotland, to become the leader of the beginning Scottish Reformation.
  • May 13 At Basel, the body of Dutch Anabaptist leader David Joris is exhumed and burned, following his posthumous conviction of heresy.
  • June 2 A royal edict in France makes heresy punishable by death.
  • June 11 Scottish Reformation: A Protestant mob, incited by the preaching of John Knox, sacks St Andrews Cathedral.
  • June 22 King Philip II of Spain and the 14-year-old Elisabeth of Valois are married in Spain, having married by proxy in January.[43] On June 30, the bride's father, King Henry II of France, is fatally injured in a jousting accident at the celebrations.


  • July 10 15-year old Francis II becomes King of France following the death of his father, Henry II.[44][45] Members of the House of Guise and the new king's mother Catherine de' Medici dispute control over the kingdom.
  • July 31 Pope Paul IV authorizes the creation of the University of Douai (which will later become the University of Lille).[46]
  • August 15 Led by Don Tristán de Luna y Arellano, a Spanish missionary colony of 1,500 men, on 13 ships, arrives from Vera Cruz at Pensacola Bay, founding the oldest European settlement in the mainland U.S. (St. Augustine is founded in 1565.)
  • September 4 Gorkha state is established by Dravya Shah, beating local Khadka kings, which is the origin of the current country of Nepal.
  • September 19 Just weeks after arrival at Pensacola, the Spanish missionary colony is decimated by a hurricane that kills hundreds, sinks five ships, with a galleon, and grounds a caravel; the 1,000 survivors divide to relocate/resupply the settlement, but suffer famine & attacks, and abandon the effort in 1561.
  • September 21 The 15-year-old King Francis II of France is crowned at Reims. The crown is too heavy for him, and has to be held in place by his nobles.[47]
  • December 25 Pope Pius IV succeeds Pope Paul IV, as the 224th pope.

Date unknown



Anne of Saint Bartholomew
  • January 18 Tsugaru Tamenobu, Japanese daimyō (d. 1607)
  • February 1 John Napier, Scottish mathematician (d. 1617)
  • February 17 Philip of Hohenlohe-Neuenstein, Dutch army commander (d. 1606)
  • February 22 Charles de Ligne, 2nd Prince of Arenberg (d. 1616)
  • March 6 Michelangelo Naccherino, Italian sculptor (d. 1622)
  • March 8 William Drury, English politician (d. 1590)
  • April 5 Andrés Pacheco, Spanish churchman and theologian (d. 1626)
  • April 9 Giulio Pace, Italian philosopher (d. 1635)
  • April 12 Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford, Lord Great Chamberlain of England (d. 1604)
  • April 16 Francis Anthony, English apothecary and physician (d. 1623)
  • April 18 Alessandro Pieroni, Italian painter (d. 1607)
  • May 8 John I, Count Palatine of Zweibrücken (d. 1604)
  • May 25 Camillus de Lellis, Italian saint and nurse (d. 1614)
  • June 16 Marie Eleonore of Cleves, Duchess consort of Prussia (1573–1608) (d. 1608)
  • June 27 King Charles IX of France (d. 1574)[52]
  • June 28 Johannes van den Driesche, Flemish Protestant clergyman and scholar (d. 1616)
  • July 3 Jacobus Gallus, Slovenian composer (d. 1591)
  • August 6 Enrico Caetani, Italian Catholic cardinal (d. 1599)
  • August 8 Petrus Gudelinus, Belgian jurist (d. 1619)
  • September 1 Alonso Pérez de Guzmán, 7th Duke of Medina Sidonia, Spanish admiral (d. 1615)
  • September 10 Alonso de Guzmán El Bueno, 7th Duke of Medina Sidonia, commander of the Spanish Armada (d. 1615)
  • September 17 Pope Paul V (d. 1621)[53]
  • September 29 Joachim Frederick of Brieg, Duke of Wołów (1586-1602) (d. 1602)
  • September 30 Michael Maestlin, German astronomer and mathematician (d. 1631)
  • October 1 Anne of Saint Bartholomew, Spanish Discalced Carmelite nun (d. 1626)
  • October 4 King Charles IX of Sweden (d. 1611)[54]
  • October 8 Antonio Zapata y Cisneros, Spanish cardinal (d. 1635)
  • October 25 Ralph Sherwin, English Roman Catholic priest (martyred 1581)
  • October 28 Stanislaus Kostka, Polish saint (d. 1568)
  • November 1 Henry of Saxe-Lauenburg, Prince-Archbishop of Bremen, Prince-Bishop of Osnabruck and Paderborn (d. 1585)
  • November 6 Karin Månsdotter, Swedish queen (d. 1612)
  • December 2 Antonio Fernández de Córdoba y Cardona, Spanish diplomat (d. 1606)
  • December 6 Orazio Vecchi, Italian composer (d. 1605)
  • December 21
    • Aegidius Hunnius, German theologian (d. 1603)
    • Man Singh I, Mughal noble (d. 1614)
  • December 22 Cesare Cremonini, Italian philosopher (d. 1631)
  • December 28 Vicente Espinel, Spanish writer (d. 1624)
  • December 29 García de Silva Figueroa, Spanish diplomat and traveller (d. 1624)
  • December 31 Henry I, Duke of Guise (d. 1588)
  • date unknown
    • Jacob ben Isaac Ashkenazi, Polish Jewish author (d. 1625)
    • Willem Barentsz, Dutch navigator and explorer (d. 1597)
    • Anselmus de Boodt, Belgian mineralogist and physician (d. 1632)
    • Matthijs Bril, Flemish painter (d. 1583)
    • Helena Antonia, Austrian court dwarf (d. 1595)
    • Sarsa Dengel, Emperor of Ethiopia (d. 1597)
    • Hugh O'Neill, Earl of Tyrone, Irish rebel (d. 1616)
  • probable
    • Robert Balfour, Scottish philosopher (d. 1625)
    • Henry Barrowe, English Puritan and Separatist (d. 1593)
    • Emilio de' Cavalieri, Italian composer (d. 1602)
    • Cornelis Corneliszoon, Dutch inventor of the sawmill (d. c. 1600)
    • Philip Henslowe, English theatrical entrepreneur (d. 1616)
    • Brianda Pereira, Azorean Portuguese heroine (d. 1620)


Maria Anna of Bavaria


Vasili IV of Russia
Simón de Rojas
  • January 14 Alberico Gentili, Italian jurist (d. 1608)
  • January 22 Walter Raleigh, English explorer (d. 1618)[57]
  • February 1 Edward Coke, English colonial entrepreneur and jurist (d. 1634)
  • February 8 Agrippa d'Aubigné, French poet and soldier (d. 1630)[58]
  • February 19 Melchior Klesl, Austrian statesman and cardinal (d. 1630)
  • February 20 Sengoku Hidehisa, Japanese daimyō (d. 1614)
  • February 25 Magdalene of Lippe, Countess of Lippe by birth, and by marriage Landgravine of Hesse-Darmstadt (d. 1587)
  • February 28 Joost Bürgi, Swiss clockmaker and mathematician (d. 1632)
  • March 1 Anna of Cleves, Duchess of Jülich-Cleves-Berg by birth and by marriage Countess Palatine of Neuburg (d. 1632)
  • March 18 Polykarp Leyser the Elder, German theologian (d. 1610)
  • March 20 Christoph, Count of Hohenzollern-Haigerloch (d. 1592)
  • April 20 Frederick IV of Liegnitz, German noble (d. 1596)
  • May 8 Petrus Ryff, Swiss scientist (d. 1629)
  • May 12 Edmund Bowyer, English politician (d. 1627)
  • June 2 Raja Wodeyar I, King of Mysore (d. 1617)
  • June 8 Gabriello Chiabrera, Italian poet (d. 1638)
  • June 17 John George of Ohlau, Duke of Oława and Wołów (1586-1592) (d. 1592)
  • June 29 Elizabeth Spencer, Baroness Hunsdon, English baroness (d. 1618)
  • July 18 Rudolf II, Holy Roman Emperor (d. 1612)[59]
  • July 22
    • Anthony Browne, Sheriff of Surrey and Kent (d. 1592)
    • Mary Wriothesley, Countess of Southampton, Lady of English peer and others (d. 1607)
  • August 14 Paolo Sarpi, Italian writer (d. 1623)
  • August 21 Muhammad Qadiri, Founder of the Naushahia branch of the Qadri order (d. 1654)
  • August 24 Lavinia Fontana, Italian painter (d. 1614)
  • September 12 Andreas Schott, Flemish academic, linguist, translator, editor and a Jesuit priest (d. 1629)
  • September 20 Lorenz Scholz von Rosenau, German botanist (d. 1599)
  • September 21 Barbara Longhi, Italian painter (d. 1638)
  • September 22 Tsar Vasili IV of Russia (d. 1612)
  • September 27 Flaminio Scala, Italian playwright and stage actor (d. 1624)
  • October 6 Matteo Ricci, Italian Jesuit missionary to China (d. 1610)
  • October 11 Tsarevich Dmitry Ivanovich of Russia, Grand Prince of Moscow (d. 1553)
  • October 18
    • Elisabeth of Saxony, Countess Palatine of Simmern (d. 1590)
    • Francis Cherry, English diplomat (d. 1605)
  • October 23 Odet de Turnèbe, French dramatist (d. 1581)
  • October 28 Simón de Rojas, Spanish saint (d. 1624)
  • December 18 Ahmad Ibn al-Qadi, Moroccan writer, judge and mathematician (d. 1616)
  • November 20 Gilbert Talbot, 7th Earl of Shrewsbury, English politician and Earl (d. 1616)
  • November 26 Seonjo of Joseon, King of Joseon (d. 1608)
  • December 27 William Cavendish, 1st Earl of Devonshire, English politician and Earl (d. 1626)
  • December 29 Henri I de Bourbon, prince de Condé (d. 1588)
  • December 31 Simon Forman, English occultist and astrologer (d. 1611)
  • Date unknown:
    • Hans von Aachen, German mannerist painter (d. 1615)
    • Thomas Aufield, English Catholic martyr (d. 1585)
    • Jean Bertaut, French poet (d. 1611)[60]
    • Philemon Holland, English translator (d. 1637)
    • Prince Masahito, Japanese prince (d. 1586)
    • Lady Saigō, Japanese concubine (d. 1589)
    • Dom Justo Takayama, Japanese daimyo (d. 1615)
    • Anthony Tyrrell, Roman Catholic renegade priest and spy (d. circa 1610)
    • Jean Hotman, Marquis de Villers-St-Paul, French diplomat (d. 1636)
    • Cvijeta Zuzorić, Croatian poet (d. 1648)
  • probable
    • Miguel de Benavides, Spanish clergyman and sinologist (d. 1605)
    • Francisco Goméz de Sandoval y Rojas, Duke of Lerma, Spanish politician (d. 1625)


Louise of Lorraine
  • January 20 Bernardino de Cárdenas y Portugal, Duque de Maqueda, Spanish noble (d. 1601)
  • January 22 Mōri Terumoto, Japanese warrior (d. 1625)
  • February 24 Cherubino Alberti, Italian engraver and painter (d. 1615)
  • March Eleonora di Garzia di Toledo, Italian noble (d. 1576)
  • March 29 Vitsentzos Kornaros, Greek writer (d. 1613)
  • April 24 John Maxwell, 8th Lord Maxwell, Scottish noble (d. 1593)
  • April 29 Mirza Muhammad Hakim, son of Mughal emperor Humayun and brother of emperor Akbar (d. 1585)
  • April 30 Louise of Lorraine, French queen consort (d. 1601)
  • May 7 Albert Frederick, Duke of Prussia (d. 1618)
  • May 14 Margaret of Valois, Queen of France (d. 1615)[61]
  • June 5 Bernardino Baldi, Italian mathematician and writer (d. 1617)
  • June 15 Archduke Ernest of Austria, Austrian prince, the son of Maximilian II. (d. 1595)
  • July 1 Peter Street, English carpenter (d. 1609)
  • September 26 Nicolò Contarini, Doge of Venice (d. 1631)
  • October 8 Jacques Auguste de Thou, French historian (d. 1617)
  • October 18 Luca Marenzio, Italian composer (d. 1599)
  • November 2 Magdalene of Jülich-Cleves-Berg, Countess Palatine of Pfalz-Zweibrücken (d. 1633)
  • November 4 Roger Wilbraham, Solicitor-General for Ireland (d. 1616)
  • November 23 Prospero Alpini, Italian physician and botanist (d. 1617)
  • November 28 George More, English politician (d. 1632)
  • December 13 King Henry IV of France (d. 1610)[62]
  • date unknown
    • Patriarch Filaret of Moscow and All Rus' (d. 1633)
    • Giovanni Florio, English writer and translator (d. 1625)
    • Richard Hakluyt, English travel writer (d. 1616)
    • Robert Hues, English mathematician and geographer (d. 1632)
    • Amago Katsuhisa, Japanese nobleman (d. 1578)
    • Pierre de Rostegny, French jurist (d. 1631)
    • William Russell, 1st Baron Russell of Thornhaugh, English military leader (d. 1613)
    • Moses Székely, Hungarian noble (d. 1603)
    • Beatrice Michiel, Venetian spy (d. 1613)


Philip William, Prince of Orange
  • December 17 Ernest of Bavaria, Roman Catholic bishop (d. 1612)
  • December 19 Philip William, Prince of Orange (d. 1618)
  • date unknown
    • Jacques Bongars, French scholar and diplomat (d. 1612)
    • James Lancaster, English navigator (d. 1618)
    • Walter Raleigh, English writer, poet, and explorer (d. 1618)
    • Francis Throckmorton, English conspirator (d. 1584)


King Naresuan
  • January 26 Charles II, Lord of Monaco (d. 1589)
  • February 25 Alonso Lobo, Spanish musician (d. 1617)
  • March 18 François, Duke of Anjou, youngest son of Henry II of France and Catherine de' Medici (d. 1584)[66]
  • March 21 John Leveson, English politician (d. 1615)
  • March 31 Elizabeth Stuart, Countess of Lennox, English countess (d. 1582)
  • April 21 Ludovico Carracci, Italian painter (d. 1619)
  • April 28 Karl Friedrich of Jülich-Cleves-Berg, heir apparent of Jülich-Cleves-Berg (d. 1575)
  • May 5 Queen Uiin, Korean royal consort (d. 1600)
  • May 9 Jerónima de la Asunción, founder of the first Catholic monastery in Manila, the Monastery of Santa Clara (d. 1630)
  • May 29 George Carew, 1st Earl of Totnes, English earl, general and administrator (d. 1629)
  • June 11 Lodovico Zacconi, Italian composer and music theorist (d. 1627)
  • June 13 Giovanni Antonio Magini, Italian mathematician, cartographer and astronomer (d. 1617)
  • June 16 Duke Otto Henry of Brunswick-Harburg, Hereditary Prince of Brunswick-Lüneburg-Harburg (d. 1591)
  • July Henry Garnet, English Jesuit (d. 1606)
  • July 6 Louis II, Cardinal of Guise, French Catholic cardinal (d. 1588)
  • July 17 Richard Carew, English scholar (d. 1620)
  • August 1 Edward Kelley, English spirit medium (d. 1597)
  • September 3 Jan Zbigniew Ossoliński, Polish nobleman (d. 1628)
  • September 21 John Thynne, English landowner and politician (d. 1604)
  • September 23 Louise de Coligny, princess consort of Orange (d. 1620)
  • September 28 Henri de La Tour d'Auvergne, vicomte de Turenne, duc de Bouillon, Marshal of France (d. 1623)
  • October 6 Ferenc Nádasdy, Hungarian noble (d. 1604)
  • October 12 Peregrine Bertie, 13th Baron Willoughby de Eresby, English baron (d. 1601)
  • November 8 Nyaungyan Min, king of Burma (d. 1605)
  • December 4 Heinrich Meibom, German historian and poet (d. 1625)
  • December 27 Johann Arndt, German Lutheran theologian (d. 1621)
  • date unknown
    • Lancelot Andrewes, English clergyman and scholar (d. 1626)
    • Adam Sędziwój Czarnkowski, Polish nobleman (d. 1628)
    • Samuel Eidels, Polish Jewish rabbi and Talmudist (d. 1631)
    • Joshua Falk, Polish Jewish rabbi and commentator (d. 1614)
    • Elijah Loans, German Jewish rabbi and kabbalist (d. 1636)
    • François de Malherbe, French poet (d. 1628)
    • Okudaira Sadamasa, Japanese nobleman (d. 1615)
    • Konishi Yukinaga, Japanese Christian daimyō (d. 1600)
    • Moderata Fonte, Italian poet, writer and philosopher (d. 1592)
    • Maria van Schooten, Dutch war heroine (d. 1573)
    • Naresuan, King of Ayutthaya (d. 1605)


Countess Maria of Nassau
  • January 8 Uesugi Kagekatsu, Japanese samurai and warlord (d. 1623)
  • January 24 Christian Barnekow, Danish noble, explorer and diplomat (d. 1612)
  • February 4 Dorothea of Hanau-Münzenberg, German noblewoman (d. 1638)
  • February 7 Countess Maria of Nassau (d. 1616)
  • February 16 Tōdō Takatora, Japanese daimyō (d. 1630)
  • February 21 Sethus Calvisius, German calendar reformer (d. 1615)
  • March 7 Guillaume du Vair, French statesman and philosopher (d. 1621)[67]
  • March 13 Dirck van Os, Dutch merchant (d. 1615)
  • April 8 David Hoeschel, German librarian (d. 1617)
  • April 9 Andreas von Auersperg, Carniolan noble and military commander in the battle of Sisak (d. 1593)
  • April 27 François Béroalde de Verville, French writer (d. 1626)
  • May 31 Jerzy Radziwiłł, Polish Catholic cardinal (d. 1600)
  • June 6 Edward la Zouche, 11th Baron Zouche, English politician and diplomat (d. 1625)
  • June 13 Pomponio Nenna, Italian composer (d. 1608)
  • June 24
  • July 9 Elizabeth Finch, 1st Countess of Winchilsea, English countess (d. 1634)
  • July 22 Otto Henry, Count Palatine of Sulzbach (d. 1604)
  • July 26 James Melville, Scottish divine and reformer (d. 1614)
  • August 10 Philipp Nicolai, German Lutheran pastor (d. 1608)
  • August 16 Bartolomeo Cesi, Italian painter (d. 1629)
  • August 17 Alexander Briant, English Jesuit martyr (d. 1581)
  • September 21 William Harris, English knight (d. 1616)
  • October 18
    • Charles I, Duke of Elbeuf, French duke and nobleman (d. 1605)
    • John Dormer, English Member of Parliament (d. 1626)
  • October 24 Giovanni Battista Caccini, Italian artist (d. 1613)
  • October 26 Ahmad Baba al Massufi, Malian academic (d. 1627)
  • November 15 Jacques Davy Duperron, French cardinal (d. 1618)
  • November 28 Francesco Contarini, Doge of Venice (d. 1624)
  • December 5 Anne Cecil, Countess of Oxford, English countess (d. 1588)
  • December 17 Abdul Rahim Khan-I-Khana, Indian composer (d. 1627)
  • December 27 Jeanne de Lestonnac, French saint (d. 1640)
  • date unknown
    • Margaret Clitherow, English Catholic martyr (d. 1586)
    • Ahmad Baba al Massufi, Sudanese writer and political leader (d. 1627)


  • January 1 Stephen Bocskay, Prince of Transylvania (d. 1606)
  • February 11 Johannes Wtenbogaert, Leader of the Remonstrants (d. 1644)
  • February 15
    • Alfonso Fontanelli, Italian composer (d. 1622)
    • Vittoria Accoramboni, Italian noblewoman (d. 1585)
  • February 24 Mathias, Holy Roman Emperor (d. 1619)
  • March 21 Anne Howard, Countess of Arundel, English countess and poet (d. 1630)
  • March 22 Casimir VI, Duke of Pomerania and Lutheran Administrator of Cammin Prince-Bishopric (d. 1605)
  • April 4 Lew Sapieha, Polish-Lithuanian noble (d. 1633)
  • April 11 Frederick, Count Palatine of Zweibrücken-Vohenstrauss-Parkstein (d. 1597)
  • May 5 Emanuel Philibert de Lalaing, Belgian noble and army commander (d. 1590)
  • May 31 Tsar Feodor I of Russia (d. 1598)
  • June 10 Leandro Bassano, Italian painter (d. 1622)
  • June 28 Philip Howard, 20th Earl of Arundel, English nobleman (d. 1595)
  • August 16 Agostino Carracci, Italian painter and graphical artist (d. 1602)
  • August 19 Frederick I, Duke of Württemberg (d. 1608)
  • August 26 Sibylle of Jülich-Cleves-Berg, Duchess of Jülich-Cleves-Berg by birth and by marriage Margravine of Burgau (d. 1628)
  • September 4 Sophie of Mecklenburg-Güstrow, Danish-Norwegian royal consort (d. 1631)
  • September 11 Joseph Calasanz, Spanish priest and founder of Piarists (d. 1648)
  • September 16 Jacques Mauduit, French composer (d. 1627)
  • October 5 Antoine Favre, Savoisian lawyer, first President of the Sovereign Senate of Savoy (d. 1624)
  • date unknown
    • Julius Caesar, English judge and politician (d. 1636)
    • Giovanni Croce, Italian composer (d. 1609)
    • Balthasar Gérard, assassin of William I of Orange (d. 1584)
    • Toda Katsushige, Japanese warlord (d. 1600)
    • Olaus Martini, Archbishop of Uppsala (d. 1609)
    • Thomas Morley, English composer (d. 1602)
    • Oda Nobutada, Japanese general (d. 1582)
  • probable Giovanni Gabrieli, Italian composer and organist (d. 1612)


André du Laurens
Maximilian III, Archduke of Austria
  • January or February Hendrik Goltzius, Dutch painter (d. 1617)
  • January 16 Jakobea of Baden, Margravine of Baden by birth, Duchess of Jülich-Cleves-Berg by marriage (d. 1597)
  • January 29 Paul Hentzner, German lawyer (d. 1623)
  • March 7 Johann VII, Duke of Mecklenburg, Duke of Mecklenburg-Schwerin (1576–1592) (d. 1592)
  • April 30 Mikołaj Oleśnicki the younger, Polish noble (d. 1629)
  • June 15 Margrave Andrew of Burgau, German nobleman, Cardinal, Bishop of Constance and Brixen (d. 1600)
  • July 9 David Origanus, German astronomer (d. 1628)
  • July 11 Robert Greene, English dramatist (d. 1592)
  • August 2 Herman van den Bergh, Dutch soldier in the Eighty Years' War (d. 1611)
  • August 8 George Clifford, 3rd Earl of Cumberland, English noble (d. 1605)
  • August 19 François de Bourbon, Prince of Conti (d. 1614)
  • September 9 Philippe Emmanuel, Duke of Mercœur, French soldier (d. 1602)
  • September 24 Ralph Eure, 3rd Baron Eure, English politician (d. 1617)
  • October 12 Maximilian III, Archduke of Austria (d. 1618)
  • October 24 Szymon Szymonowic, Polish writer (d. 1629)
  • October 30 Jacques-Nompar de Caumont, duc de La Force, Marshal of France (d. 1652)
  • November 27 Mingyi Swa, Crown Prince of Burma (d. 1593)
  • December 3 Gregorio Pagani, Italian painter (d. 1605)
  • December 8 François de La Rochefoucauld, French Catholic cardinal (d. 1645)
  • December 9 André du Laurens, French physician (d. 1609)
  • date unknown
    • Meir Lublin, Polish rabbi (d. 1616)
    • Kōriki Masanaga, Japanese military commander (d. 1599)
    • Bessho Nagaharu, Japanese nobleman (d. 1580)
    • Olivier van Noort, first Dutchman to circumnavigate the world (d. 1627)
    • Chidiock Tichborne, English conspirator and poet (d. 1586)
    • Michael the Brave, Prince of Wallachia (15931601) (d. 1601)
    • Thomas Kyd, English playwright (d. 1594)
    • Françoise de Cezelli, French war hero (d. 1615)
  • probable - Pierre Dugua, Sieur de Mons, French merchant (d. 1628)


Emperor Nurhaci born on February 19
Lawrence of Brindisi born on July 22
Jacques Sirmond born on October 12
  • January 1 Virginia Eriksdotter, Swedish noble (d. 1633)
  • January 8 William Helyar, English chaplain (d. 1645)
  • January 25 Aleixo de Menezes, Roman Catholic archbishop (d. 1617)
  • February 7 Catherine de Bourbon, Princess of Navarre and Duchess consort of Lorraine (d. 1604)
  • February 18 Isaac Casaubon, French-born classical scholar (d. 1614)
  • February 19 Philip II, Margrave of Baden-Baden (d. 1588)
  • February 21 Nurhaci, Chinese emperor (d. 1626)
  • March 12 Christoph Brouwer, Dutch historian (d. 1617)
  • March 16 Amar Singh I, eldest son and successor of Maharana Pratap of Mewar (d. 1620)
  • March 26 Wolf Dietrich Raitenau, Prince-Bishop of Salzburg (d. 1617)
  • May 4 Alice Spencer, Countess of Derby, Baroness Ellesmere and Viscountess Brackley (d. 1637)
  • May 12
    • Stanisław Radziwiłł, Grand Marshal of Lithuania (d. 1599)
    • Johann Georg Gödelmann, German demonologist (d. 1611)
  • July 2 Margareta Brahe, Swedish political activist (d. 1638)
  • July 22 Lawrence of Brindisi, Italian saint (d. 1619)
  • July 27 Countess Palatine Barbara of Zweibrücken-Neuburg and Countess consort of Oettingen-Oettingen (d. 1618)
  • August 18 Frederik van den Bergh, Dutch soldier in the Eighty Years' War (d. 1618)
  • August 24 or September 1556 Sophia Brahe, Danish astronomer, horticulturalist (d. 1643)
  • September 21 Cigoli, Italian painter (d. 1613)
  • September 15 Edmond Richer, French theologian (d. 1631)
  • October 12 or October 22 Jacques Sirmond, French Jesuit scholar (d. 1651)
  • November 11 Tokuhime, Japanese noble (d. 1636)
  • November 12 Yaza Datu Kalaya, Crown Princess of Burma (d. 1603)
  • November 13 Al-Mansur al-Qasim, Imam of Yemen (d. 1620)
  • November 15 Albert VII, Archduke of Austria, Governor of the Low Countries (d. 1621)
  • December 14 Lupercio Leonardo de Argensola, Spanish writer (d. 1613)
  • date unknown
    • George Chapman, English dramatist (d. 1634)
    • Ikeda Motosuke, Japanese military commander (d. 1584)
    • John Penry, Welsh Protestant martyr (d. 1593)[68]
    • Honinbo Sansa, Japanese player of Go (d. 1623)
    • John Spenser, president of Corpus Christi College, Oxford (d. 1614)



Saint John of God
  • January 12 Andrea Alciato, Italian jurist and writer (b. 1492)
  • January 22 Jamsheed Quli Qutb Shah, second ruler of Golconda
  • January 28 Magnus III of Mecklenburg-Schwerin, Lutheran administrator of the Prince-Bishopric of Schwerin (b. 1509)
  • February 22 Francesco III Gonzaga, Duke of Mantua (b. 1533)
  • March 7 William IV, Duke of Bavaria (b. 1493)
  • March 8 John of God, Spanish friar and saint (b. 1495)
  • April 12 Claude, Duke of Guise, French soldier (b. 1496)[69]
  • April 13 Innocenzo Cybo, Italian Catholic cardinal (b. 1491)
  • April 30 King Tabinshwehti of Burma (b. 1516)
  • May 18 Jean, Cardinal of Lorraine, French churchman (b. 1498)
  • May 20 Ashikaga Yoshiharu, Japanese shōgun (b. 1511)
  • June 13 Veronica Gambara, Italian poet (b. 1485)
  • July 19 (probable date) Jacopo Bonfadio, Italian historian, executed (b. c. 1508)
  • July 22 Jorge de Lencastre, Duke of Coimbra (b. 1481)
  • July 30 Thomas Wriothesley, 1st Earl of Southampton, English politician (b. 1505)
  • August 18 Antonio Ferramolino, Italian architect and military engineer
  • October 20 Ferdinand, Duke of Calabria (b. 1488)
  • October 23 Tiedemann Giese, Polish Catholic bishop (b. 1480)
  • October 24 Louis of Valois, French prince (b. 1549)
  • October 26 Samuel Maciejowski, Polish Catholic bishop (b. 1499)
  • November 6 Ulrich, Duke of Württemberg (b. 1487)
  • November 7 Jón Arason, last Catholic bishop of Iceland (b. 1484)
  • December 6 Pieter Coecke van Aelst, Flemish painter (b. 1502)
  • December 8 Gian Giorgio Trissino, Italian humanist, poet, dramatist and diplomat (b. 1478)
  • December 29 Bhuvanaikabahu VII, King of Kotte (b. 1468)
  • date unknown Aq Kubek of Astrakhan, ruler of Astrakhan Khanate


Barbara Radziwiłł


Henry of the Palatinate
Henry V, Duke of Mecklenburg



Francisco Vázquez de Coronado


King Henry II of Navarre
Saint Thomas of Villanova



Emperor Go-Nara of Japan


Emperor Charles V
Queen Mary I of England and Cardinal Reginald Pole died on November 17, 1558


King Christian III of Denmark and Norway died on New Year's Day, January 1, 1559
King Christian II of Denmark, Norway and Sweden died on January 25, 1559
King Henry II of France died on July 10, 1559
Pope Paul IV died on August 18, 1559


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  7. Badger, George Percy (1838). Description of Malta and Gozo. Malta: M. Weiss. p. 292.
  8. David Loades (1996): John Dudley, Duke of Northumberland 1504–1553. Clarendon Press. ISBN 0-19-820193-1. pp. 180–181
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  26. Maureen E. Buja (1996). Antonio Barré and Music Printing in Mid-sixteenth Century Rome. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. p. 81.
  27. Paul Johnson (1997). The Papacy. Barnes & Noble Books. p. 216. ISBN 978-0-7607-0755-5.
  28. Ronald Love (14 March 2001). Blood and Religion: The Conscience of Henri IV. McGill-Queen's Press - MQUP. pp. 25–. ISBN 978-0-7735-6884-6.
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  30. E. Goldsmid (ed.), The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation, collected by Richard Hakluyt, Preacher, Vol. III: North-Eastern Europe and Adjacent Countries, Part II: The Muscovy Company and the North-Eastern Passage (E. & G. Goldsmid, Edinburgh 1886), pp. 101-112.
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  37. H. S. Bennett (1989). English Books and Readers 1475 to 1557: Being a Study in the History of the Book Trade from Caxton to the Incorporation of the Stationers' Company. Cambridge University Press. p. 114. ISBN 978-0-521-37988-5.
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  50. John Calvin : for a new reformation. Derek Thomas. Wheaton, Illinois. 2019. ISBN 978-1-4335-1281-0. OCLC 1091236732.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: others (link)
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  53. Charles George Herbermann; Edward Aloysius Pace; Condé Bénoist Pallen (1913). The Catholic Encyclopedia: An International Work of Reference on the Constitution, Doctrine, Discipline, and History of the Catholic Church. Encyclopedia Press. p. 581.
  54. Grolier Incorporated (1993). Academic American encyclopedia. Grolier. p. 297. ISBN 978-0-7172-2047-2.
  55. Charles W. J. Withers; Hayden Lorimer (27 October 2011). Geographers Volume 27: Biobibliographical Studies. A&C Black. p. 28. ISBN 978-1-4411-8011-7.
  56. Jayne Maloof Williamson (1968). The War of the Three Henries: Why?: The Motives Prompting Henri de Navarre, Henry de Guise, and Henri III to Engage in War, 1585-1589. University of Wisconsin--Madison. p. 96.
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  58. St James Press; Anthony Levi; Retired Professor of French Anthony Levi (1992). Guide to French Literature: Beginnings to 1789. St. James Press. p. 6. ISBN 978-1-55862-159-6.
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