
See also: hén, hèn, hēn, hěn, and -hen



  • IPA(key): /hɛn/
  • (file)
  • Rhymes: -ɛn

Etymology 1

A mother hen with chicks.

From Middle English hen, from Old English henn (hen), from Proto-Germanic *hanjō (hen), from Proto-Indo-European *kan-, *kana- (to sing). Cognate with Dutch hen (hen), West Frisian hin (hen), German Low German Heen (hen), German Henne (hen), Icelandic hæna (hen), Danish høne (hen), Swedish höna (hen). Related also to Old English hana (cock, rooster).

Alternative forms


hen (plural hens)

  1. A female chicken (Gallus gallus), particularly a sexually mature one kept for its eggs.
    • 1918, W. B. Maxwell, chapter 2, in The Mirror and the Lamp:
      She was a fat, round little woman, richly apparelled in velvet and lace, […]; and the way she laughed, cackling like a hen, the way she talked to the waiters and the maid, […]all these unexpected phenomena impelled one to hysterical mirth, and made one class her with such immortally ludicrous types as Ally Sloper, the Widow Twankey, or Miss Moucher.
  2. A female of other bird species, particularly a sexually mature female fowl.
  3. (uncommon) A female fish or crustacean.
  4. (figuratively, depreciatory) A woman, particularly
    • 1785, Francis Grose, A Classical Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue:
      Hen, a woman. A cock and hen club; a club composed of men and women.
    1. (Britain, informal) A bride-to-be, particularly in the context of her "hen night" festivities.
  5. (Britain, informal) A hen night.
  6. (Scotland, informal) An affectionate term of address used to women or girls.
    Don't cry, hen. Everything will be all right.
  7. (figuratively, derogatory, uncommon) A henlike person of either sex.
  8. The hard clam (Mercenaria mercenaria), a bivalve shellfish.
Coordinate terms
  • (male chicken or other bird): cock
Derived terms


hen (third-person singular simple present hens, present participle henning, simple past and past participle henned)

  1. Alternative form of mother-hen
    • 1943, McCall's - Volume 71, page 69:
      Once he had flared up, "If ever a man was henned, it's me!"
    • 1984, Susan C. Feldhake, Love Beyond Surrender, page 52:
      Mammy henned the black workers into placing the trunks beside the girls.
See also

Etymology 2

From Middle English henne, heonne, hinne, from earlier henene, heonenen, henen, from Old English heonan, hionan, heonane, heonone (hence, from here, away, from how), from Proto-Germanic *hina, *hinanō (from here), from Proto-Indo-European *ḱe-, *ḱey- (this, here). Cognate with Dutch heen (away), German hin (hence, from here), Danish hen (away, further, on). See also hence.


hen (not comparable)

  1. (dialectal) Hence.

Etymology 3

From hen (hence, away), or a variant of hench.


hen (third-person singular simple present hens, present participle henning, simple past and past participle henned)

  1. (dialectal) To throw.




From Proto-Brythonic *hen, from Proto-Celtic *senos, from Proto-Indo-European *sénos.



  1. old, ancient


Alternative forms



  1. (Thirteen Communities) to have


  • “hen” in Patuzzi, Umberto, ed., (2013) Ünsarne Börtar [Our Words], Luserna, Italy: Comitato unitario delle linguistiche storiche germaniche in Italia / Einheitskomitee der historischen deutschen Sprachinseln in Italien




  1. Used with a verb, indicating a movement towards or to something.
    hen til din far.
    Go to your father.
    Hestene går hen imod mig.
    The horses are walking towards me.

Usage notes

Contrast with henne; where hen indicates movement, henne indicates position. Thus hvor løber han henne? means "where is he running?", whereas hvor løber han hen? means "to where is he running?".



  • Rhymes: -ɛn
  • IPA(key): /ɦɛn/

Etymology 1

From Old Dutch hin, from Proto-Germanic *himaz.


hen (personal)

  1. them

Etymology 2

From Middle Dutch henne, from Old Dutch *henna, from Proto-Germanic *hanjō, from Proto-Indo-European *keh₂n- (to sing).


hen f (plural hennen, diminutive hennetje n)

  1. hen, female chicken; female of a related species.
  2. A female of the species of birds brooding on the ground.
  3. (figuratively) 'bird', colloquial term for a human female




  1. Genitive singular form of he.




  1. Rōmaji transcription of へん




  1. Nonstandard spelling of hēn.
  2. Nonstandard spelling of hén.
  3. Nonstandard spelling of hěn.
  4. Nonstandard spelling of hèn.

Usage notes

  • English transcriptions of Mandarin speech often fail to distinguish between the critical tonal differences employed in the Mandarin language, using words such as this one without the appropriate indication of tone.

Middle English

Alternative forms


From Old English hen, from Proto-Germanic *hanjō.


  • IPA(key): /hɛn/
  • Rhymes: -ɛn


hen (plural hennes or hennen, genitive hennes or henne)

  1. hen, chicken
  2. female bird





hen (uncountable)

  1. Term of address for a woman.
    Alright Mary hen?


FWOTD – 11 March 2013

Etymology 1

Created as an alternative to hon (she) and han (he). The coining of the word has probably been influenced by the Finnish hän, a personal pronoun used about human beings and which does not specify gender (Finnish lacks grammatical gender entirely). Hen was suggested as early as 1966 in Swedish regional newspaper Upsala Nya Tidning and was proposed again in a 1994 article by linguist Hans Karlgren, but did not receive widespread attention until around 2010.[1]


  • IPA(key): /hɛn/
  • (file)


hen (third person singular gender-neutral personal pronoun, objective hen or henom, possessive hens)

  1. (neologism) A third-person singular pronoun of unspecified gender; they, thon; alternative to hon (she) and han (he).
    Det är viktigt att hen får bestämma hur vi ska tilltala henom.
    It is important that they decide how we should address them.
    • 2011, Anders Lokko, Svenska Dagbladet, "Jag vet hur fruktansvärt ont det gör"
      Alla skilsmässor och separationer är olika. Men i nästan samtliga är det i slutändan någon som blir lämnad och någon som lämnar. Ingen av de rollerna är enkel. Fast det är när den som lämnar gör det för att hen har träffat någon annan [...]
      All divorces and separations are different. But in almost all cases, someone is left behind or someone leaves. None of those roles are easy. However, it's when the one who does leaves because they have met someone else [...]
    • 2011, Lotten Wiklund, Dagens Nyheter, "Jag vill vara hen - inte hon eller han"
      I efterhand har hen förstått att det förmodligen har att göra med att hen aldrig riktigt accepterat att det bara skulle finnas två kön.
      In hindsight, they have come to understand that it probably has to do with the fact that they have never accepted that there are just two genders.
    • 2012, Jesper Lundqvist, Kivi och Monsterhund:
      ska hen få en hund, kan de halvt säkert lova
    • 2013, Lova Olsson, Svenska Dagbladet, "Arnholm lanserar 'hen' i riksdagen"
      - Målet är att varje individ ska få det stöd hen behöver för att så snabbt som möjligt lära sig svenska, komma i arbete och klara sin egen försörjning, sade den nyblivna jämställdhetsministern.
      - The goal is to make sure that every individual should receive the support they need to learn Swedish, start working and manage to support themselves as soon as possible, said the newly appointed Minister of Gender Equality.
    • 2013, Ann-Marie Begler & Caroline Dyrefors Grufman, DN Debatt, "Flera allvarliga kränkningar i skolan de senaste veckorna"
      - En person i personalen som sliter i och skäller på barnen, hotar med stryk och skrämmer dem med det hen vet att de är rädda för.
      - A person on the staff pushes around and yells at the children, threatens with violence and frightens them with things they know they are afraid of.
    • 2014, Nina Åkestam, Meningen med hela skiten, :
      Vill hen att du ska chansa, eller ta det lugnt?
    • 2015, Ami Sundeman and Anna Lytsy, Kosmosdialogerna, :
      Hens utgångspunkt är alltid större och mera allomfattande än så.
Usage notes

Since around 2010 hen has seen increased usage, though it has not entered everyday language either in spoken or written form. It has been especially popular among activists for gender equality and adherents of queer theory, and with the transgender community.[2] Publishers of manuals of style and the Swedish Language Council do not proscribe the usage of hen, but recommend the inflected forms hens as the possessive and hen over henom as the object.[3]

Etymology 2

Related to Norwegian and Icelandic hein (whetstone) and Old English hān (stone; rock) and modern English hone. See also Sanskrit sāna-, sānī and Latin cōs with the same meaning. See also (dialectal) Swedish hena ("to hone").[4]


  • IPA(key): /heːn/


hen c (singular definite henen, plural indefinte henar)

  1. (archaic, dialectal) A whetstone, particularly the small and soft kind.
Declension of hen 
Singular Plural
Indefinite Definite Indefinite Definite
Nominative hen henen henar henarna
Genitive hens henens henars henarnas
  • slipsten c (grindstone)


  1. Svenska Dagbladet, 8 March 2012.
  2. Dagens Nyheter, 17 May 2011.
  3. 2014-08-25. Swedish Language Council. Hur använder man pronomenet hen?. Retrieved 2015-01-12.
  4. Svenska Akademiens ordbok, column H796



Related to Finnish hieno.



  1. fine
  2. refined, elegant


Inflection of hen
nominative sing. hen
genitive sing. henon
partitive sing. henod
partitive plur. henoid
singular plural
nominative hen henod
accusative henon henod
genitive henon henoiden
partitive henod henoid
essive-instructive henon henoin
translative henoks henoikš
inessive henos henoiš
elative henospäi henoišpäi
illative ? henoihe
adessive henol henoil
ablative henolpäi henoilpäi
allative henole henoile
abessive henota henoita
comitative henonke henoidenke
prolative henodme henoidme
approximative I henonno henoidenno
approximative II henonnoks henoidennoks
egressive henonnopäi henoidennopäi
terminative I ? henoihesai
terminative II henolesai henoilesai
terminative III henossai
additive I ? henoihepäi
additive II henolepäi henoilepäi

Derived terms




From Proto-Mon-Khmer *hiən (asthma).




  1. (medicine) asthma

Derived terms

Derived terms
  • hen suyễn
  • ho hen



From Proto-Brythonic *hen, from Proto-Celtic *senos, from Proto-Indo-European *sénos.


  • IPA(key): /heːn/


hen (equative hyned, comparative hŷn or hynach or henach, superlative hynaf or henaf)

  1. old, aged; ancient, antique, pristine, former; inveterate, chronic; original; senior, elder
  2. stale, mouldy, musty, fusty
  3. unreformed, old, traditional (of style or mode of expressing dates according to the Julian Calendar); reckoned according to the Old Style (of festival)

Usage notes

  • This adjective has an alternate, more “senior” comparative in the form of hŷn and an equivalent alternate superlative in the form of hynaf.
  • Unlike most Welsh adjectives, this word goes before the noun.
  • Like most Welsh adjectives that go before the noun, this word triggers a soft mutation in the word that follows it.




  1. hen



  • J. Poole W. Barnes, A Glossary, with Some Pieces of Verse, of the Old Dialect of the English Colony in the Baronies of Forth and Bargy (1867)
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